Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Course Builder

An intuitive course builder that utilizes a visual drag-and-drop interface

Tutor LMS features a groundbreaking drag-and-drop course builder, enabling the creation of course materials like lessons, quizzes, and assignments with ease. This approach minimizes the time spent on technical aspects, allowing creators to devote more attention to content development.

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Drag & drop simplicity

Forget complex editing tools! Build courses in minutes by adding and arranging lessons, quizzes, assignments, and other elements.

Diverse content type

Cater to different learning styles with a variety of content support. Videos, text, images, PDFs, and more – Tutor LMS lets you incorporate them all.  

Define learning objectives

Clearly define your course goals and tailor your learning objectives accordingly. Use AI to write relevant learning objectives with ease. 

Structured course flow

Set prerequisites and utilize content drip features to ensure students learn foundational concepts before moving on to advanced topics.

Create courses

Arrange lessons, assignments, and quizzes intuitively


Effortlessly incorporate lesson content, videos in multiple formats, attachments, durations, and more. Additionally, you can enable drip content, scheduling the release of course materials over time to pace learning and keep students engaged.

Videos from multiple sources

Course & lesson duration

Upload attachments

Enable content drip


For assignments, you can add attachments, set time limits, assign points, and enable file uploads along with specifying passing points.

Time limits

Point assignment

File uploads

Attachment support

Passing criteria



Efficient assessments with drag-and-drop quiz builder

Create interactive quizzes using a variety of formats, including true/false, single and multiple choice, open-ended questions, fill-in-the-blanks, short answer, matching, image matching, image answering, and ordering.

These quizzes serve to enhance learning retention by actively engaging students in the material.



Assess factual recall with simple yes/no questions.

Single Choice

Test specific knowledge with one correct answer.

Multiple Choice

Gauge understanding with multiple answer options.

Open Ended/ Essay

Encourage critical thinking and in-depth responses.

Fill in the Blanks

Measure knowledge with missing information prompts.

Short Answer

Address key concepts with concise written responses.


Test knowledge by pairing related items.

Image Matching

Match images with corresponding concepts.

Image Answering

Use images to prompt written responses.


Sequence events or concepts in the correct order.


Tutor LMS is a really great product, and in my opinion the best and only LMS you will ever need. The Pro version is well priced, and given its amazing and vast range of features. (WordPress)

Michael Scriven



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