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Connect your Tutor LMS courses with other WordPress plugins using AutomatorWP.


Tutor LMS’s integration with AutomatorWP brings powerful automation capabilities for the eLearning website owners. It helps the instructors to automate lots of repetitive tasks. It not only saves time but also enhances the overall learning experience for the students. AutomatorWP offers 7 triggers, 5 actions, and 2 filters exclusively for Tutor LMS. Users can design custom automation sequences by using those triggers and actions.

Instructors can utilize the triggers and actions to enroll a student, remove a student from a course, track a student’s progress within courses, and a lot more. These actions will execute based on the triggers like completing a lesson/quiz, passing/failing a quiz, scoring a specific score, etc. This integration of AutomatorWP with Tutor LMS can foster a more interactive and personalized learning experience for students.


Unlimited triggers and actions: AutomatorWP offers the functionalities to configure as many triggers and actions per automation as you want.

Exclusive Tutor LMS triggers and actions: AutomatorWP offers 7 triggers, 5 actions, and 2 filters exclusively for the Tutor LMS users to create automation effortlessly.

Conditional logic: Create automation workflows with conditional logic to trigger specific actions based on user behavior, course progress, enrollment status, etc.

Can I automatically enroll or remove students from courses using AutomatorWP?

Yes. Instructors can set up automation workflows to enroll or remove students from specific courses based on specific actions or conditions.

Is it possible to connect AutomatorWP with external apps?

It’s completely possible to connect all your plugins with external applications, web services, or even other WordPress sites using the Webhooks add-on.

How many triggers and actions can I use for free?

You can use unlimited triggers and actions for free using the AutomatorWP plugin.

Use cases

Enrollment automation: AutomatorWP enables instructors to automate the enrollment process for students, automatically enrolling them in courses based on predefined criteria such as registration or completion of prerequisite courses.

Data collaboration: Tutor LMS can seamlessly connect with external tools and exchange data by following your integration workflow.