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WP Fusion


Automate Your eLearning Business with WP Fusion


Effortlessly connect your Tutor LMS platform with powerful tools and automate key tasks with WP Fusion. This integration acts as your bridge, seamlessly syncing user data, managing subscriptions, and triggering actions across popular CRM, marketing automation, and membership platforms.

Imagine automatically enrolling students in your learning platform upon purchase, sending personalized welcome emails, and segmenting learners based on their progress – all without manual intervention. WP Fusion streamlines your workflow, saves you time, and empowers you to build deeper relationships with your learners.


Connect Tutor LMS with leading CRMs: Integrate easily with popular CRMs like ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, Drip, and many more.

Automatic user management: Sync user data between your CRM and Tutor LMS, eliminating manual updates and ensuring data consistency.

Effortless course enrollment: Enroll users in courses based on specific CRM tags or actions, automating learning journeys.

Personalized communication: Trigger targeted emails and automated campaigns based on learner activity and progress within Tutor LMS.

Detailed reporting: Gain valuable insights into user behavior and learning progress with comprehensive reports across both platforms.

Simplified workflows: Automate repetitive tasks and manage your learning platform more efficiently with powerful automation features.

Which CRMs does WP Fusion support?

WP Fusion boasts a wide range of integrations with popular CRMs. Check their website for a complete list and compatibility details.

Will WP Fusion affect my existing data?

WP Fusion offers flexible data mapping options, allowing you to control how user and course data is synced between your CRM and Tutor LMS. Existing data can be safely imported and mapped during the setup process.

Is WP Fusion easy to use?

Yes! WP Fusion features a user-friendly interface with clear instructions and helpful documentation. No coding knowledge is required.

Can I customize the automation triggers?

Absolutely! WP Fusion allows you to set up personalized triggers based on specific actions, tags, and events within your CRM and Tutor LMS, offering a high degree of customization.

Is WP Fusion Free?

No, WP Fusion itself is not completely free. While they offer a free version called WP Fusion Lite, it does not support Tutor LMS integration. To access the Tutor LMS integration, you'll need to upgrade to their Pro or Business plan.

Use cases

Automated welcome series: When a new user registers on your website and becomes a student in Tutor LMS, automatically send a personalized welcome email with course recommendations and learning resources.

Membership-based course access: Offer exclusive advanced courses to premium members only. Upon subscribing, they are automatically enrolled and granted access, while free users see only introductory content.