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Wishlist Members


Unlock Exclusive Learning & Control Access with Wishlist Members


Wishlist Members integration with Tutor LMS offers seamless membership management for online courses. By combining the power of Tutor LMS's robust e-learning platform with Wishlist Member's membership capabilities, instructors can create exclusive courses accessible only to subscribed members.

The integration allows for easy course enrollment, content protection, and membership tier management. With Wishlist Members, educators can monetize their courses effectively by offering tiered memberships with different access levels and pricing options. This integration provides a secure and customizable solution for instructors looking to build thriving online communities and generate recurring revenue through membership-based learning platforms.


Tiered membership levels: Design different membership tiers with varying access levels, pricing options, and exclusive benefits.

Gated content: Restrict access to specific courses, lessons, resources, and community features for paying members.

Exclusive rewards: Offer incentives like discounts, bonuses, early access, and priority support to motivate member engagement.

Content dripping: Schedule the release of content over time, keeping members engaged and coming back for more.

Community forums & groups: Create exclusive member-only forums and groups for deeper interaction and peer-to-peer learning.

Automated workflows: Automate tasks like member onboarding, content delivery, and reward distribution to save you time and effort.

Do I need a Wishlist Members account?

Yes, you'll need a Wishlist Members account to create and manage your membership program. However, it integrates seamlessly with your existing Tutor LMS platform.

How do learners access gated content?

Members automatically gain access to their designated content based on their membership level. They'll see clear labels and instructions within your platform.

Can I offer different payment options for memberships?

Yes, Wishlist Members supports various payment gateways and allows you to set up recurring billing for subscription-based memberships.

How does this integration benefit my learners?

Members gain access to valuable content, exclusive rewards, and a supportive community, enhancing their learning experience and motivation.

How does this integration benefit me as a course creator?

Wishlist Members helps you generate recurring revenue, incentivize deeper engagement, and build a loyal community around your learning platform.

Use cases

Exclusive course access: Restrict course content to registered members only, ensuring a personalized learning experience.

Tiered certification programs: Provide access to beginner, intermediate, and advanced certification programs through different membership levels, with increasing complexity and bonus resources for higher tiers.