In this day and age data is what drives businesses. Analytics are essential to evaluate how your business is performing in the face of competition. For an LMS site, it is no different. LMS course analytics is a mandate for any course creator looking to shine in the world of course creation. You must be equipped with the best tools to make the best of the courses you create for students.
But what are some analytic metrics that we must be aware of? How can we measure and make positive changes to improve our LMS courses? Let us learn what we need to look out for:
- Number of students per month
- Refund rates
- Course reviews and Q&A’s
- Lifetime Value of a Student
- Course completion times and student progressions
- Sale and commission ratio
- Sales statements
Of course, this is not a definitive list of metrics that we need to have. If you can keep track of these analytics and learn how to improve them we believe your LMS site should be performing better than ever.
A complaint then arises, well manually figuring these out seems like quite a chore. We agree with you. As a course creator and instructor, you should be focused on delivering top-grade content for your students. Analytics and the business side of things should be presented to you arranged and delivered on a silver platter.
Use the Right Tool
That is where we come in. With Tutor LMS you have a one-stop solution for all your analytic needs. If you have used Tutor LMS for your LMS site then you are in luck. We have provided the most powerful tools for our members. Our analysis add-on; Report gives you a detailed study into essential analytics tools an instructor might need. The add-on, Reports can be easily activated from the add-on menu of Tutor LMS Pro. We need this add-on to get the analytics we desire.

What Is Report Showing You?
The report add-on for tutor LMS has these features:
- Overview: A general overview of courses, reviews, and student interactions
- Courses: A detailed individual tab for all the analytics about all your courses
- Reviews: Find all the reviews students leave regarding the course and its instructors
- Sales: Sales data about your courses, see how much each is making for you
- Students: Get to know your students through this page and its detailed info about your enrolled students
Join us in taking an in-depth tour of all these metrics and see how we can benefit from them.
Analytics of Tutor LMS
Tutor LMS has a plethora of analytics support that users can enjoy. You can see the analytics as an admin or from the instructor page. We have placed our focus on the admin analytics Tutor LMS provides for courses and students.
General LMS Info
This section of the Report add-on shows the general snippets of stats that an instructor might need at a glance. On the top part of the page, we have a block that shows miscellaneous information. We can see the number of courses we have, the number of enrolled students, the number of reviews left by students, and many more useful numbers to see how our LMS site is doing.
Scrolling down a little we have an excellent visual graph that shows us student enrollment for the last month. This once again lets us have a quick visual idea of how we are doing.

Further down we have the earning graph. It’ll show you four different graphs of total earning, course enrolled, total refund, and total discount. These are available in four different tabs.

Up next, you’ll get the list of popular and latest courses.
- One first shows us the most popular courses we have and how many students are at present enrolled in them. There is also a hotlink to quickly navigate to this course.
- The second shows us our last enrolled courses with the latest enrollment date. Same as the table before the courses are hotlinked for quick navigation.

Right below these two tables, we have a quick view of the latest reviews left by students on our courses. We can see the ratings they added as well as when they left the review, and for which course they left the review.
Following this, we have a section that shows us the latest questions asked by students. We can see which course they have an issue with and immediately click reply to jump to the Q&A page to get back to them. We can also click the hotlink that takes us straight to the course page.
Scrolling to the very bottom of the overview tab, we can find two more tables. Depending on how you have been running your LMS site these will look different to you. They show the information of the latest registered students/teachers. Their names and emails, and when they registered on your platform. If you are a solo teacher then the teacher table will just consist of you.
List of LMS Courses
This is the most important tab for your primary analytics. We have dedicated analytics about all the courses we have on this page. You can see all the course-related details presented neatly on a table. There’s information about earnings for every course shown here, this can help us understand which courses are performing better for us.

Clicking on the details button takes us to an in-depth look at the rest of the analytics. You can find more information about your earnings along with a nifty sales graph for better visual access. We can find a list of students enrolled for that course along with their emails and enrolled dates. One page where we can access all the information about a course.
What Students Thought About the Course
As reviews are fundamental to how new students might decide on taking a course. You have a separate review tab to see all your reviews in one place and analyze them. One very important feature we have here is that we can delete a review to avoid students/trolls spamming our site with random reviews.

What the Sales Are Like
The one-stop for all the data you need regarding course sales. You can find all sales-related analytics on this tab. Each sale/purchase is given a unique order number. It also shows the data of which instructor is taking this course along with the name of the course. You can see the price of the course as set on your Tutor LMS website. A status column shows the current status of the course, if it is completed or on hold, etc.
Info About Your Pupils
The student tab lets you monitor every student enrolled in your courses. Students are shown with their names, usernames, email IDs, their registration date, and the number of courses they have taken. The main highlight here is that you can click a button to see the details about a student to check up on their progress level.
The progress page has abundant details on the status of the student. This ranges from how many courses they are enrolled in and have completed to how many reviews they have left and how many questions they have asked.

This is a very important tool for keeping a close eye on student progress. If any students are falling behind a little you can reach out to them regarding extra help or remind them to start working harder.
To have a detailed understanding of the ins and outs of this add-on be sure to check out our documentation page for precise instructions
How Can We Use These to Make the Best of Our LMS?
We have established all the analytics that Tutor LMS has to offer to us. But how can you effectively use these metrics to improve your site? Let us explore the details of these analytics and some factors we must keep be aware of that helps us use this data.
Evaluate Your Course and Find the Cracks
Number Of New Students Per Month
One of the first things we must look at when evaluating our course success is the course traffic we bring. The student enrolment graph in the overview section helps us get visual data on how much traffic our course has. The number of students enrolled in our most popular courses gives us a good read on if we are meeting our expectations.
A different metric that helps us determine course performance is refund rates. A high refund rate for a course indicates a flaw in the course or how the initial material has been designed. Of course, allowing a refund is completely up to you. Having a refund feature helps bring in more students and with overall quality control. Students trying a course and quickly changing their minds is not something we would want for our site.
Are Your Students Happy With the Platform?
Interacting With Your Students
An important part of the LMS platform is student morale. You need to know how many students are actively participating in your courses. This can be through questions they leave on the course Q&A section or by the reviews they leave for courses. Then, if some students are not very active in the discussions we can reach out to them separately through email to inquire about their issues.
Additionally, something that is sure to boost student morale and participation is gamifying your course site. Gamification can be added very easily to Tutor LMS. Gamification incentivizes students to participate more and lures them in to enjoy the course material better.
To learn more about gamification and how to integrate it to an LMS site take a look at an article we have on gamification feature. Tutor LMS provides us with all student information, from email addresses to even where they have registered from. This helps us monitor our students far better.

When a course has too many questions from students, that’s not desired. You want to make sure the course content is clear and easy to understand for the level of difficulty you set.
An influx of support requests from students indicates a need for small course material changes. Review and update, after all, that is the way to craft good content. We cannot have perfect material from the get-go, we slowly build up to it.
Check on Your Students’ Progress and Bring in New Ones
To constantly bring in revenue to our site we must make sure that we can have students make multiple purchases on our site. If we measure the lifetime value of a student then we can find that some students have spent more money on our site than others.
It is your job to persuade and encourage the students who have spent less to keep wanting to keep investing in your courses. You could email the student about exciting new offers through emails. Another option can be to have personalized coupons for a student of your choice to further persuade them.
Tutor LMS, as we said before gives us the course progression data of a student. Additionally, we can see when that particular student had registered for the said course. From here we can figure out whether the student is progressing as required or if they are lagging behind a little.
For the latter, we can reach out to the student to ‘push them on’ to finish the course, maybe even give them a few pointers. This helps raise student morale and encourages them to check out more material from you as they can see that clearly, you are passionate about your students performing well.
Do Your Sales Meet the Target?
Tutor LMS provides a wide range of statement analytics for us to be able to make an informed decision about revenue. If you have multiple instructors onboard your site, it is a hassle to manage the commissions of each individual.
Tutor LMS makes this process easy by allowing you to set a fixed commission for an instructor. We then perform all the calculations needed and show you the finalized result on how much each instructor receives.
Tutor LMS gives individual instructors a personalized report on their earnings. The interval can be monthly/yearly or even for today! With this data, you can analyze which of your courses are performing better than others depending on the revenue generated. You can also evaluate your co-instructors by how much revenue they bring in.
Final Thoughts
Data should be at the center of every decision made towards an online course site, or any business for that matter. We need our data arranged, organized, accurate, and ready to go. Tutor LMS provides the right analytics tools to make data-driven decisions to better our LMS courses. A small note, these analytics tools are only available for the Pro version of Tutor LMS, learn more about Pro from the pricing page.
How has Tutor LMS Report analytics assisted your LMS course? Do let us know in the comments below.
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