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LearnPress vs Tutor LMS: An In-depth Comparison of The Leading WordPress LMS Plugins

LearnPress vs Tutor LMS: An In-depth Comparison of The Leading WordPress LMS Plugins

Picking the perfect WordPress LMS plugin is a serious commitment. Once you set up your site with it, you have to stick to it long-term or even a lifetime. Today you get to learn all about two plugins who have earned their place in this Tutor LMS vs LearnPress comparison.

To make sure you get the right plugin – you need some thorough research. To help with that process, we have compared 2 WordPress LMS plugins today. In this comparison, you see our own Tutor LMS vs LearnPress. 

So let’s jump in!


LearnPress is a freemium plugin with one of the biggest user bases. There are a couple of handy options that let you create courses. There is no setup wizard so tech newbies might definitely have a hard time starting with LearnPress.

On the plus side, you can sell courses right away via PayPal. The biggest hiccup with LearnPress is definitely their coding standards and customer support. If you’re looking to create a site with minimal features in the primary state, then LearnPress might be for you.

Tutor LMS

Tutor LMS is definitely the new WordPress LMS on the block with milestones to reach. The free version alone has a lot of features that some of the paid LMS plugins don’t have. It’s the industry’s first WordPress LMS to have a frontend course builder.

Below, you get to see a table comparison of all the feature comparisons of Tutor LMS VS LearnPress.

Core Course Creation Features

To start out in the comparison of Tutor LMS vs LearnPress, let’s learn more about the core functionality of both. 

It’s needless to say that comparing core course building features is the key. The core functional features in the plugin are the base on which you build the rest of your eLearning site. If you’re wondering what core features you should look for and which functionality they offer, look no more. We have the answer for it in this Tutor vs LearnPress core functionality comparison table.

FeaturesTutor LMSLearnPress
User profile sharing
Tags & Categories
Pending approval
Scheduled publishing
Break lessons into sections
Limit number of courses per page
Discuss lessons
Course duration
Login & registration form
Email templates & content format
Use images in options
Course difficulty level
List of course benefits
Course instructions
Target Audience
Include materials
Course introduction video
Course announcement
Student list
Instructor list
Enable/Disable instructor
Drag & drop course builder
Force login
Course column arrangement
Lesson preview
Upload video on lessons
Lesson attachments
Encrypted download links
Resume video
Display featured course
Hide course on completion
Logout redirect
Disable edits on published course
Define course thumbnail dimensions
Add profile link to admin bar
Duplicate course

Quiz Options

Every course needs some sort of assessment system, whether it be a quiz or a research paper. Quizzes are an integral part of any course as they help evaluate students to an extent. It also helps students to test their learning and find out how much they truly learned throughout the process.

Each course instructor can have a different approach to creating quizzes. Similarly, various courses can demand different kinds of questions and question types. So when you’re comparing, you’d want options for the types of questions. 

There are other options as well that enrich your quizzes. For example, being able to randomize quiz, auto-start it, limit quiz attempts and more.

We’ve gone ahead and compared some crucial quiz features and their availability to find out which LMS plugin provides the best quiz experience, both for teachers and students.

Quiz Comparison

FeaturesTutor LMSLearnPress
Question content (HTML support)
Show grade points per question
Question explanation field
Question pagination
Quiz duration
Retake quiz
Archive quiz history
Evaluation criteria
Randomize options
Mark question as required
Allow grace time to submit quiz
Provide hints
Review questions
Show correct answer


After the quiz, you want a solid grading system to grade and publish results. Grading may involve a number of options like deducting points, showing hints, etc. Having these features in your LMS enables you to grade faster and more efficiently. So whether it’s LearnPress or Tutor, have a look at what each offers in terms of grading scale.

FeaturesTutor LMSLearnPress
Allow retaking a course/quiz
Show passing grades
Deduct points
Check answers on the go
Show question hints


When you have a solid course structure and great assessment options, your revenue can escalate. You need payment gateway options for all the transactions taking place on your site. If you’re a multi-instructor eLearning platform, then commission allocation & withdrawal options are necessary. Managing the revenues is also a big part to keep your transaction flow right.

FeaturesTutor LMSLearnPress
Offline payment
Auto enroll after payment
Guest checkout
Login feature on checkout
Registration option during checkout
Instructor commission
Fee deduction
WooCommerce integration
EDD integration
Income statement
Bank payment
Send withdrawal request
External purchase link
Currency features
Built-in payment gateway

Stats & Analysis

Your course stats is what you need to completely analyze your business performance. Know the ins and outs of your course hit points and pain points. Stats help you understand what type of courses are in demand and performing well in the market.

FeaturesTutor LMSLearnPress
Earning reports
Status check
Show the number of enrolled students
Define the maximum number of students
Display fake number of enrolled students


There are more features in both Tutor LMS & LearnPress that serve a lot of extended purposes. Some of these features are essentials while others improve your overall site. You need to take a moment to have a lookout for these options. They might be what sets your site apart from others. 

FeaturesTutor LMSLearnPress
Supported field types in free version
SEO Friendly
Translation Ready
Custom color styling option
Database tool
Secure serving engine for video
Custom Gutenberg blocks
Custom avatar features
Header image & footer text support
Debug mode
Hard cache

Tutor LMS vs LearnPress: Final Thoughts

Tutor LMS Pros and cons
LearnPress pros and cons
Tutor LMS Ratings
LearnPress Pros and Cons

When comparing Tutor LMS vs LearnPress, it’s needless to say both have a lot of features. LearnPress is available in a free version with limited features and in 1 paid bundle with advanced features. One of the drawbacks is for a lot of core functionalities like certifications and some quiz options it offers paid add-ons. You need to buy them separately to enjoy these features. 

Tutor LMS, on the other hand, is made for all types of eLearning sites. Tutor LMS is made with superior design standards and has great customer support. It’s definitely a promising LMS plugin. The premium features of Tutor LMS can provide an even better course creation experience.

Did you find this in-depth comparison between Tutor LMS vs LearnPress useful? Share your thoughts on both the plugins below!

Tashfia Fareed
Start Using Tutor LMS Today

Ready to take your online courses to new heights? Download Tutor LMS now and enjoy a journey of eLearning excellence.
