Content Drip

Take control over content delivery with dynamic content drip

Release lessons, quizzes, and assignments at your own pace with the flexible content drip feature. Get a range of options to schedule content based on time intervals, student progress, or prerequisite completion. 



Build your payments business with speed and flexibility

Focused learning

Evoke anticipation, drive consistent engagement, and cultivate focused learning through drip content.

Tailored content delivery

Customize the learning experience by releasing content at specific intervals or based on student actions.

Boosted completion rates

Motivate students to stay on track by revealing content gradually, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Flexibility for instructors

Easily schedule content releases for your entire course or specific lessons, quizzes, and assignments.

Scalable & secure

Track the performance of students' and courses' progress to assess the effectiveness.

Content Drip

Track the performance of students' and courses' progress to assess the effectiveness.

How it works

Customize your way business with speed

Schedule content release

Drip content at specific dates and times, creating anticipation and a structured learning journey.

Unlock content over time

Release content automatically after a certain number of days from enrollment, encouraging students to return regularly.

Sequential drip

Unlock lessons or modules one after another, ensuring a structured course flow.

Prerequisite triggers

Link content release to completing prerequisites, ensuring learners have the necessary knowledge before accessing advanced topics.


More than 100,000 people across the world choose Tutor LMS


With Tutor LMS you will be able to build your own Udemy-like online course experience for FREE! It’s really an ambitious plugin that has a bright future if they maintain their development.


John Whitford

Founder at Income Mesh


Tutor LMS is a really great product, and in my opinion the best and only LMS you will ever need. The Pro version is well priced, and given its amazing and vast range of features it's actually a bargain.


Michael Scriven

Managing Director