

Grade students smartly and precisely with customizable gradebook

Tutor LMS gradebook streamlines assessments, saves time, and provides insights into student progress. Customize grading scales to match institutional standards.

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Faster and more efficient assessment

Save time & reduce errors

Automate grade calculations and eliminate the risk of human error, freeing up valuable time for what matters most - teaching!

Customizable grading scales

Create clear, easy-to-understand grading scales aligned with your institution's standards for consistent and precise evaluation.

Insightful progress monitoring

Track students’ results closely to understand their learning paths and identify the room for improvement.

Tailored student feedback

Utilize detailed grading data to identify student strengths and weaknesses to give more targeted feedback.

How it works

Easy grade setup and progression 

Efficient grade management

Adjust your grading scale to align perfectly with your institution's standards and assessment criteria.

Student progress tracking

Utilize the Gradebook to monitor student performance across assignments and courses.

Auto-generated grade reports

Grades are automatically calculated and instructors can generate reports for further analysis.


With Tutor LMS you will be able to build your own Udemy-like online course experience for FREE! It’s really an ambitious plugin that has a bright future if they maintain their development.

John Whitford

Income Mesh


eLearning websites are running on Tutor LMS

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