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Easy Digital Downloads


Unlock Your Digital Sales Potential with Easy Digital Downloads


Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) integration with Tutor LMS opens up a world of possibilities for e-learning entrepreneurs. EDD is a powerful plugin that allows you to sell digital products effortlessly through your WordPress website. With this integration, Tutor LMS users can seamlessly monetize their courses by selling them as digital downloads.

Whether you're offering eBooks, PDF guides, or other digital resources alongside your courses, EDD streamlines the entire sales process. Setting up and managing digital products is intuitive, and EDD provides robust features for order management, discount codes, and payment gateways. By combining Tutor LMS's educational capabilities with EDD's eCommerce functionalities, educators can create a lucrative online course marketplace.


Sell individual courses & bundles: Offer individual courses or create curated bundles at various price points to cater to different learner needs.

Seamless checkout: Process secure payments directly within your Tutor LMS platform, offering a smooth and uninterrupted purchase experience for learners.

Multiple payment gateways: Integrate with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and more, giving learners flexibility in choosing their preferred payment method.

Discount codes & coupons: Encourage sales and attract new learners with targeted promotions and discount codes.

Content restriction: Restrict access to purchased courses and resources, ensuring only paying customers can access protected content.

Detailed sales reports: Track your sales performance, analyze revenue streams, and gain valuable insights into your learning business.

Automatic enrollment: Upon successful purchase, learners are automatically enrolled in their chosen courses, saving you time and manual work.

Is Easy Digital Downloads free?

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a freemium plugin, meaning it offers both a free and paid version.

What kind of resources can I sell?

Sell individual courses, bundled courses, quizzes, templates, workbooks, or any other digital learning resources you create.

How do learners access purchased content?

After successful payment, learners receive an access link or notification within their Tutor LMS dashboard, granting them immediate access to their purchased resources.

What payment methods are supported?

EDD integrates with various popular payment gateways, offering flexibility for your learners and ensuring secure transactions.

How does this integration benefit my learners?

Learners enjoy a convenient and secure purchase process, gaining access to valuable learning resources within the familiar Tutor LMS platform.

Use cases

Sell course materials: Offer supplementary course materials such as eBooks or study guides as digital downloads alongside your courses.

Bundle courses with digital products: Create bundles where learners can purchase a course along with related digital products for a comprehensive learning experience.