Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More



Automate your eLearning business by connecting your Tutor LMS site with SureTriggers.


SureTriggers simplifies course management for Tutor LMS users by offering essential automation features tailored to instructors' needs. It will help the instructors effortlessly automate the repetitive tasks. Thus, instructors can unlock a new level of efficiency to ensure a smoother teaching experience.

SureTriggers offers three triggers and two actions. The triggers are User Completes Lesson, User Completes Course, and User Purchases Course. The actions are to enroll the user in the course and remove the user from the course. For example, you can use multi-step automation to create a student onboarding process. It may include sending a series of emails, enrolling the students in a course, and finally adding them to a mailing list.


Multi-step automations: Create multi-step automations to string together a series of actions. These automation tasks can save time and ultimately enhance the overall teaching experience.

Dynamic data mapping: This feature will help you to share data between multiple apps or services. Suppose you want to send SMS notifications to Tutor LMS students using Twilio. Dynamic Data Mapping can automatically map the student's name and phone number from Tutor LMS to the corresponding fields in Twilio.

Scheduled and recurring automation: SureTriggers Scheduled and Recurring automation functionalities allow you to run automation at a specific time repeatedly.

Integration with SaaS applications: You can integrate with various third-party applications like Mailchimp, CRM applications, etc. with Tutor LMS using SureTriggers.

Do I need coding skills to create Tutor LMS automation?

No. You don’t need any coding skills to create Tutor LMS automation with SureTriggers!

Can I integrate SureTriggers with payment gateways?

Yes. You can integrate SureTriggers with WooCommerce to enroll students on a specific course after successful payment.

Is SureTriggers compatible with popular WordPress plugins used in Tutor LMS?

Yes. SureTriggers is compatible with the most popular plugins used in Tutor LMS, like WordPress, WooCommerce, Mailchimp, Paid Membership Pro, GamiPress, etc.

Use cases

Personalizing content delivery: You can personalize the content delivery by dynamically mapping student preferences and behaviors. 

Incoming webhooks: SureTriggers can receive data from any other websites or apps via incoming webhooks.