Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



June 21, 2021
New Push notification add-on
New Show a removable warning in WordPress admin dashboard if signup disabled
Update Updated design in the forgot password page
Update Enroll button text changed to 'Start Learning' for public courses
Update Quiz question field placeholder text change
Fix Courses by other instructors now showing in course archives
Fix Instructor rejected notice is visible forever
Fix Last question in a quiz can be submitted without answering even if required
Fix Texts after double quote not showing in quiz info and question input field on edit
Fix Comma inside quiz title and description causes error in import/export
Fix Assignment metadata not saving while creating an assignment
Fix Some texts in email were not translatable
Fix XSS vulnerability in announcement summary