Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



August 4, 2021
New Popup alert message when students abandon a quiz
New Popup alert message when admin/instructor tries to delete an enrolment
Update Set WooCommerce product as sold individually when created automatically from frontend course builder
Update Enrolment required page design update
Update Notification design update for when WordPress registration is disabled
Fix Course retake button appears even if disabled from dashboard
Fix Pagination not appearing in quiz attempt
Fix Matching quiz layout CSS issue for long text
Fix Student can submit the quiz even after time limit is expired
Fix Email event list checkboxes not showing in dashboard if WPML add-on enabled
Fix Course progress not deleting when enrolment is deleted
Fix Quiz not showing immediately after creating in course builder
Fix Lesson count shows 0 in enrolled courses on the frontend dashboard
Fix XSS vulnerability in student list in the dashboard
Fix The option “When time expires” fixed in Quiz settings