Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



March 23, 2022
Update Tutor Player has been upgraded
Update Option to set Course Base Logo as the Email Logo
Update Auto redirect to Course action added upon WooCommerce order completion
Update Email Footer Text now displays default content
Fix AJAX based “Add to Cart” button in the Courses page is not working
Fix In the backend, clearing search field does not remove search parameter from the URL
Fix “Automatically Load Next Lesson” is not working
Fix HTML5 video input is active even if it is unselected from Settings
Fix Gutenberg content is not working in Single Course About section
Fix Error in Dedicated Login Page and redirection is also not working
Fix On Enrollment, error is occurring while sending Emails
Fix My Profile page gives error after updating to the latest version
Fix My Profile page Date is not translating
Fix Instructor Course Menu option appears on Student Dashboard page in the mobile version
Fix Paid Membership Pro is disabled in the Add-ons page but still appears as one of the eCommerce Engine options under the Monetization settings
Fix Tutor Settings get reset back to the old values after saving
Fix Lesson and Quiz sequence is not saving
Fix Enrolment expiry info not showing
Fix While WooCommerce is enabled, clicking on “Add to Cart” requires logging in again
Fix Quiz export is adding extra answer for questions
Fix Enable “Course Content Access” feature not working as Admins and Instructors cannot see course content when enabled
Fix Author name is hard coded under Lesson comment replies
Fix Zoom Layout of backend Course Builder is broken
Fix Email Template’s background, typography, logo and margin padding has issues
Fix Sticky Calendar positioning has issue
Fix In Zoom Meeting List page at Backend, the Expired button has design issue
Fix Create Zoom Meeting page has design issue
Fix Course Placeholder height has issue
Fix Quiz List View has issue with responsiveness
Fix Registration Date & Time is not translating
Fix HTML code appears on the Course Details page
Fix Profile Page gives an error if the language is changed
Fix Forgot Password Alert shows markups
Fix Metabox shows warning in the Frontend Course Builder while uploading a video
Fix Backend Editor is not accepting Unicode Character if DB collation is non-utf