Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



April 28, 2022
New Instructor List Page is built using its Shortcode
New Course List Page is redeveloped with SEO friendly URL
New Faster filtering options for course list page
New Now you can drag & drop quizzes to your liking in Quiz Builder
Update Compatibility with the latest Restrict Content Pro
Update Code Optimization is done for better Page Load Performance
Update Design is now more optimized and improved
Update Course Expiry Date is added to Single Course Page
Update "Pending Course" Tab is added under "My Courses" for Instructor
Update There is now a comma separator on the single course page price
Fix Multiple mobile responsive issues have been resolved
Fix In Add-ons Page the Tab Titles were wrongly shown
Fix The wrong email was being sent on a question submitted by a student
Fix Course Price was not accepting floating value Price
Fix Markups and Shortcodes were not working in some description fields
Fix The course list page, pagination, and filter were not working properly
Fix Deleted Zoom Meeting information was throwing PHP Error
Fix Zoom Meeting was not being created while using Gutenberg Editor
Fix In Evaluation "Your Points" field was accepting random values
Fix Clicking on "Share", "Wishlist", and "Bookmark" was taking the user to Login
Fix "My Courses" page was showing a $0 Price for all displayed courses
Fix Active Status of Tutor Menu was showing wrongly in WP Admin
Fix "Abandon Quiz" Modal was appearing for the wrong action
Fix The announcement could have been created without selecting a course
Fix Deleting a student was deleting their user account too
Fix Bulk Actions was not working in the courses, instructors, students' page
Fix A student was being enrolled in the same course multiple times
Fix The Tutor Free Download link was wrong when only Tutor Pro was active
Fix Lesson Page container was being narrow on some Screens
Fix WP Editor was not working while creating a lesson
Fix Admin and Instructor were not being able to access their course content
Fix Trashed Courses were still being shown on the all course list
Fix "BuddyPress Groups" was showing the same options multiple times in Course Builder
Fix Closing an announcement modal didn't remove the data
Fix In Course Journey, the "Overview Tab" was not appearing by default
Fix While creating Zoom Meeting, Date Picker wasn't working
Fix For the "Match Question" type Quiz Design was showing up as broken
Fix WooCommerce "Autocomplete Order" Hook was not working with Tutor LMS
Fix Payment was not going to the Processing state while using Stripe payment
Fix No Income was visible under Instructor's Wallet page
Fix While creating a Course, a duplicate course was being created due to "Auto Save"
Fix Subscribers were able to access the "Create a Course" page
Fix "Preferred Course Filter" options were not working in settings
Fix Admin submitted courses were ending up in the course review section
Fix The Content Drip add-on date picker was showing the wrong date format
Fix Wrong instructor count was showing up on the reports page
Fix Report was showing wrong calculation for course enroll, lesson and quiz count
Fix Loco Translator was not Translating "True" and "False" Text
Fix "Erase upon uninstallation" option of "Settings" was not working before
Fix Different profile picture was showing up in different pages