Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



May 13, 2022
New Email Notification to students when a new Lesson is Created if enabled
New Email Notification to students when a new Quiz is Created if enabled
New Email Notification to students when a new Assignment is Created if enabled
New Admin can show Course Description in Full or in Collapsed View on the Course Details page
New Quiz Retry Mode revamped to allow instructors to specify Attempts Allowed
New The student's Active Topic now remains uncollapsed while the rest remain collapsed
New In "Strict Mode" a student needs to pass all lessons/quizzes/assignments to complete the Course
Update A Better Time Format for Lesson and Quiz is introduced
Fix Email Scheduler Cron was not working properly
Fix Certificate List in the Course Builder displays the height of the Certificates incorrectly
Fix Tutor Pro displayed an incorrect Alert Message when the Tutor Free plugin is inactive
Fix Student’s Registration Time was displaying the incorrect date on the Students List Page in the Admin panel
Fix Design issue of Email to students on Quiz Completed and incorrect link to Quiz Result
Fix Link to Course Progress Page button was incorrect on a Student’s Completed Courses page