Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



July 21, 2022
New Admin will be able to change the Main Instructor for a Course
New Next and Previous button is introduced for the Quiz page once a Quiz is Completed
New Instructor/Admin will be able to set "Sale Price" (Discounted Price) in the Course Builder
New Once a Course is created from WP Admin, it will create an associated WooCommerce Product as well
New "Minimum Days Before Balance is Available" settings is introduced for Balance Withdrawal time management
New Admin will be able to hide Quiz Details from "My Quiz Attempts" page
New On all lesson completion, the course will be Completed automatically, Admin can enable it from Settings
New Tutor Calendar will now highlight the Zoom Meeting Event Days
Fix In WP Dashboard, the Quiz Attempts page was showing Course information under the "Quiz Info" column
Fix Zoom Meeting page was showing an error if Meeting Title or Description would contain Single Quote
Fix Admin was not being able to Enable/Disable the Course Sorting option from WP Admin or Shortcode
Fix Email Footer Customization was not working
Fix The "Reply" boxes were remaining uncollapsed when the "Load More" button is clicked on a Single Course page under the "Q/A" Tab
Fix On the "Completed A Course" email the Certificate Download link was appearing outside the Email Body
Fix An unnecessary alert message was appearing on the "Become an Instructor" page
Fix When strict mode is on, it was showing Wrong Alert Text
Fix The Empty Data Alert Message on the Course Analytics page was not translatable
Fix The "Assignment Submitted" date-time was showing as per GMT but not Site's Time on the Assignment Details page of WP Admin
Fix Enrolled users were able to see all the plans when Paid Membership Pro is Enable
Fix Course Content Access option for Admin and Instructor was not working with Paid Membership Pro
Fix Other roles except Admin (like Editor) were not being able to access WP Admin when Hide Admin Bar is enabled
Fix Copied Course Assignments were not deletable from the Assignments page on the Front-site
Fix In a Course, the General Zoom Meeting List was not appearing on the Course Edit page for Admin and Instructors
Fix On the new Tutor LMS installations, the Preset Color default setting was being "Custom" instead of "Default"
Fix Share Percentage setting was appearing even when Revenue Sharing is disabled
Fix Unwanted link was appearing in the WP Dashboard Page
Fix Search was not working while manually enrolling someone from the Modal
Fix The "Reply" boxes were remaining uncollapsed when the "Load More" button is clicked on a Single Course page under the "Q/A" Tab