Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

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A Sneak Peek Into Tutor LMS 2.0: Revealing the Inside Look!

A Sneak Peek Into Tutor LMS 2.0: Revealing the Inside Look!

Launched in March 2019, it feels like yesterday Tutor LMS made its entry into the WordPress LMS world. Since then, we have taken many feature requests and feedback from our users to shape Tutor LMS to be the best WordPress LMS plugin. 

Fast forward to today, Tutor LMS has over 40,000 active installations! Let’s take a moment to appreciate this. We could not have done it without the collaborative community and the constant feedback and love. 

But that’s not where we want to stop. We want to provide you with the most robust and unified experience across the entire WordPress eLearning industry. And that’s why we are giving Tutor LMS a completely new makeover! 

Today, we’re beyond excited to give you early access content of Tutor LMS 2.0! It feels very surreal to finally be able to share with you a slice of what we’ve been pouring our heart and hard work into. 

Ready to witness the best-in-class eLearning experience? Stay tuned to find out what’s coming soon in Tutor LMS.

Mission Behind Tutor LMS 2.0 

The main goal behind redesigning Tutor LMS from the ground up was to provide a more visually unified interface. Even though Tutor LMS was already providing a good eLearning experience, we wanted to provide the best in the industry. 

In Tutor LMS 2.0, we have added a secret sauce to scale and develop LMS websites with speed and consistency. From buttons, colors, typography, tone, and everything that Tutor LMS stands out for will be more polished and modern. 

  • Optimized user interface
  • A unified design system
  • More inclusive and accessible 
  • Improved color consistency 
  • Unmatched eLearning experience

A More Visually Unified Design System

If you run an LMS site you already know how visual and technical overhaul always causes a stir. Especially when you have a lot of courses, instructors, students, or transactions to manage. It can be hard to visualize how everything fits together and the progression that you should follow as you strive to create your LMS brand. 

Soon it’ll be a pain of the past!

A new look and feel are coming to Tutor LMS 2.0 – bringing an aligned and enhanced user experience. The new unified interface is quite a shift and includes some game-changing features and improvements! 


Tutor LMS is getting a facelift to let your content shine like no other! The entire design concept is driven by the idea that less is more. Elements are pared down to only the essential and presented with minimalism. 

Every little visual change from typography to placement is thoughtfully made to give your LMS platform a more clean and polished look! 


Wave goodbye to inconsistent colors! In 2.0, we have fixed the color inconsistencies and used an appealing color palette to win the game. As eLearning is all about communicating friendliness and trustworthiness, Tutor LMS sets the right mood with darker blue and lighter shades. 


The new improved UX is now more accessible and flexibly accommodates the needs of users with visual, auditory, cognitive, mobility, and other disabilities. It will ensure your training meets everyone’s needs and generate consistent learner outcomes. 

A Highly Automated LMS

Your productivity level will be shooting through the roof! To further automate the process for instructors, students, and administrators, we eliminated many limitations that can cause a creative block. The changes are intended to speed up your workflow and ensure your eLearning courses receive the spotlight they deserve! 

More Organized Dashboard

Even if you have never created an eLearning course before, the new dashboard will make you feel like a pro! We have made a ton of great improvements to the dashboard offering a more intuitive, organized, and modern approach. 

Tutor LMS v2.0 is bringing you a dashboard that will let you access everything you need to manage your LMS website from one spot. From learner experience to the course creation process, the overall design is focused on task automation. 

New Notification Features! 

  • A: This notification functionality enhances the overall LMS experience by informing users of new announcements, comments, questions, and more.
  • B: Notification bar to let all learners instantly see any updates without having to be informed via email or messages. The notifications appear on top of the dashboard which is unlikely to miss. 
  • C: Dot-style badge to make the new notifications easily distinguishable. 
  • D: Notifications are categorized to identify and group related information.

Let your learners and instructors stay in the loop with personalized and interactive notifications.

New Email Templates Editor – HOT!

Tutor LMS already has a built-in email notification system to keep the students and tutors updated with the latest happenings but does not have an editor to change the email content as of now. So you have to override the plugin files from your theme if you want to make any changes. 

With Tutor LMS v2.0, you can wave goodbye to this hassle!  Now, you will be able to edit email template content right from the settings! This is a huge improvement that’s going to make your life so much easier. 

Edit your email template content from the editor without having to override the plugin files like before. Set your title logo, recipients, subject, email heading, additional content, and action button right from the editor. 

Email Template Content Editor

On the email settings, you will find an option to enable sending emails for every possible event on the instructor, student, and admin’s end. All you have to do is click on the Edit button to edit the email template content for that event. 

See Template Preview

Any changes you make will be visible in the template preview section right away. This will help you visualize the content and make changes accordingly. 

Send Test Email 

You can also send a test email to see exactly what your emails will look like to receivers. By sending test emails you can also ensure if your emails are being sent and delivered and any design or content changes are working the way they should.

Exclusively Designed Email Templates 

Tutor LMS 2.0 is guaranteed to provide the ultimate eLearning experience! Set the bar even higher and get a competitive edge with our exclusive in-house designed email templates for each event.

Next-Level Insights With More Advanced Analytics

Dealing with data can be hard, but not with Tutor LMS. With Tutor LMS 2.0, you’ll not only enjoy the best in the industry but easy-to-use analytics features. 

Here you’ll get a detailed analytics report to adjust your strategies based on data-driven insights. 

From filling performance gaps, assessing the effectiveness of the courses, and tracking the performance of individual student progress, you can do so much more with advanced analytics.

  • Overview(A): Overview drills down and extracts insights to give you a run-through of total students, courses, reviews, your earnings graph, and the most popular courses. 
  • Courses(B1, B2): Get course-specific insights and track the earnings from each course with the earnings graph. 
  • Earnings(C): Get an overview of your overall earning statistics like total earnings, current balance, total withdraws, total sales, deducted commissions, and more on the earnings tab of Analytics. 
  • Statements(D): List view statement of earning, commission, and fees for each purchase with order id and purchaser information. 
  • Students (E1, E2): List of registered students with the number of courses enrolled. Detailed report on course-specific progress – lesson completion, quiz, and assignment performance of each student.
  • Exports (F): Download a detailed report of each student in a CSV file on the exports tab. 

Enhanced Level of Communication   

One of the most important aspects of an eLearning website is to create an interactive environment between students and teachers. While Tutor LMS already has an effective Question & Answer section for instructors to connect and communicate with the students, we revisited the thought process to make it even more engaging. 

Question & Answer

Now students can leave their questions on a course and instructors can assist much like instant messaging applications.

  • Mark as important (A): There’s a badge to set the question to important to define the priority level. 
  • Mark Solved (B): Instructors can also set the status to solved when they are done providing the solution.
  • Mark as Unread/ Archive (C): You can also archive the conversation, mark it as unread, share files, and perform other actions like instant messaging applications.

Having the ability to instantly communicate and solve students’ problems will enhance your student engagement, provide constant connectivity, and help you keep communication formal with a casual touch.

New Event Calendar 

Now you can better plan and prepare your courses with the new Event Calendar! Organize your events, schedule your exams, assignments, lessons, and share your calendar with your students to keep them up to date with your eLearning plan.

The calendar displays the Lesson, Assignment, and Quiz event types. These are viewable only within a course created by an instructor.

Activities in a course that have an associated due date will auto-populate the Calendar on the specified date. That’s not all! Events will be highlighted in red if they are overdue and blue if upcoming to ensure the powerful feature is easy to use too! 

New Assignments Options

Tutor LMS strives with a learner’s first approach. To make distance learning even better and productive, Tutor 2.0 will allow instructors to set if students can retake assignments. 

Instructors can also leave feedback when evaluating the assignment so that students can reflect on where they need to improve. 

Revamped Course Catalog & Details 

The upcoming Tutor LMS will give you the flexibility to choose from multiple layouts to create a directory of courses, each with their page neatly. 

With the built-in sleek designs and your preferred layouts, it’s going to be much easier for the eyes to access the courses on your eLearning website.  

Course Catalog

Set your preferred column per row, course filters, and more to create a directory of your courses with a beautiful course catalog. Each entry involves a display image, star rating, course information, and a call to action so that students can quickly filter and make their purchase decision. 

Detailed Course Page

The course details page has some striking improvements! The first distinct change is the enlarged course intro video to grab the attention of the readers. 

The course details page usually has a lot of information to cover, Tutor LMS 2.0 decluttered the entire page and beautifully balances the information through the use of tabs.

It now contains extensive information such as Q/A, Announcements, Comments, Integrations, and more through the use of tabs. 


Any announcements created from the backend for courses will be visible in the Announcements tab of the course details page. 


Tutor LMS 2.0 will have integration support for Google Classroom and Zoom. From importing resources, syncing Google Classroom, sending Google Classroom invitations, conducting video lessons live with Zoom – you can do so much more with the integrations. 

Membership Plan

The right sidebar containing the membership plan and course information is completely dynamic. You won’t have to manually input any information here! 

Settings Restructured

The backend settings panel of Tutor LMS is being changed significantly compared to the current version. The traditional menu tabs at the top of the screen have been moved to a sidebar. It has been restructured to look more modern and make the settings area more flexible to configure.

Instructor List Layouts

Showcase your LMS site’s instructors more smartly with Tutor LMS 2.0.

Backend Preview: You’ll get the option to choose from a range of layouts both vertical and horizontal and configure your instructor lists that best match your style. 

Front-end Preview:  Each entry involves a display image, cover photo, instructor rating, total number of courses to present the instructors more professionally.   

Public Profile Layouts

Have complete control to set and customize instructor public profile layout with ease.

Backend Preview: Get a range of styles to choose from for the public profile layouts of instructors. You can also decide on whether you want the instructor’s profile to be public or private. 

Front-end Preview: Each Instructor’s public profile layout is beautifully segmented with the instructor’s display image, achievements, biography, and the list of courses they are taking.


You can set up your entire Grading Point system for your eLearning site with Tutor LMS very easily. From setting up your Gradebook to configuring Grade Name, Grade Point, Minimum Grade Percentile, Maximum Grade Percentile, Grade Colour, you will have everything that is required to set up a Grading System. 

More Intuitive Certificate Setup

The certificate setup page is now more intuitive and guided. You won’t get lost in a pool of texts and options. The settings will beautifully guide you to the certificate creation process. All you have to do is select the design, type in your text, and upload your signature to create a certificate for a course. 

You’ll also get to see a list of all your certificates here. Besides each certificate, you’ll have the option to enable or disable the certificate, edit, or delete. 

Certificate Preview

Students upon completing the course can now preview the certificate before downloading it. Apart from the download option, they can also print, share, or copy the credential URL for each certificate. 

Use Presets or Your Custom Palette 

The Preset Colors tab lets you easily configure color settings throughout your entire site. You can switch between pre-defined presets or create your custom color palette.

You can also define your background color, hover color, and text color from here and style your LMS site according to your preference. 

Brand New Quiz Builder Interface

Quizzes are a great indicator of how good an LMS is and with Tutor LMS, we didn’t settle for the good, we opted for the best! The new quiz creation interface provides a more intuitive way to add and edit all the questions in your quiz.

The Advanced Options tab has been moved to the backend course settings and any changes you make here will be applied to all the quizzes under this course. This is going to save you from doing redundant work. 

Student View

Student views of the quizzes are now more informed and polished. A new window with quiz information will be presented before a student can start the quiz. There will also be a new Back button so that Instructors can set the option to go back and retake a question. 

Question Types

Tutor LMS 2.0 will allow you to create quizzes with great flexibility using a vast range of different question types. There are 10 different question types as follow: 

  • True/False
  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Open-Ended/Essay
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Short Answer
  • Matching
  • Image Matching 
  • Image Answering
  • Ordering

Reviews & Ratings

Collect all of your reviews and ratings in one centralized location. The Review tab on the dashboard will allow you to visualize all the given and received reviews so that you can pinpoint the performance of the courses. 

Smarter Certificate Templates Preview

Certificates Templates preview on the front-end course builder will also get a new look and feel to it. You’ll have the option to choose none, preview, use the template in both landscape or portrait mode. 

Improved Responsiveness

Apart from the above-mentioned improvements, Tutor LMS 2.0 will have many dynamic changes and will be more responsive than ever! It is now more focused on the details of content, design, and performance to support users across all devices.

When Is It Coming?

Only a couple of months left till we can toss the confetti! Hang tight and keep your eyes open. The best in the WordPress LMS world is going to be unveiled very soon!

Tell Us What You Think

We’ve always believed from day one that the best way to build a product is by working closely with our users. Your constant feedback and suggestions have helped us take Tutor LMS this far! We saw significant leaps in what’s capable and did just the right things to unleash the full potential of Tutor LMS.

Let us know your thoughts about the new outlook and improvements in the comments. We’re all ears! 

Zareen Tasnim
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