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How You Can Launch Your eLearning Course the Right Way

How You Can Launch Your eLearning Course the Right Way

You might have just launched a crazy engaging and effective eLearning course, but for some reason, it didn’t get the expected reach. What must have gone wrong? 

Creating quality content is a must, but knowing how to launch the course the right way is equally important. One wrong move, and boom! All the efforts can go up in flames. 

For a successful eLearning course launch, there are some tactics that you can apply to gain the exposure your course deserves. If you are about to launch your next eLearning course and want to translate the launch excitement into conversions, then you’re in luck! 

Today, we’ll discuss some foolproof strategies that will undoubtedly create buzz, drive early orders, and help you launch your eLearning course with a bang!  

Choose The Right LMS Platform 

First things first. To see stellar sales you need to first create stellar courses. And choosing the right LMS platform gets half of the job done!

With the right LMS platform, you can maximize the impact of your eLearning program. Speaking of the right LMS platform, Tutor LMS is fully equipped with all the essential features and gives you no creative barrier while crafting your online courses. It is compatible with popular page builders like Elementor, Divi, and Oxygen Builder, built-in support for popular themes, monetization support with easy commission allocation & money management, and so much more! 

With Tutor LMS, a companion WooCommerce product is automatically created when you create a course. This means you do not have to manually create a product from the backend every time and save your precious time! 

Identify Your Unique Selling Point (USP)

What makes your eLearning course stand out? Chances are there are similar courses in the market that provides the same value. Being able to identify your unique selling point (USP) and effectively communicate it to the audience will give your eLearning course a firm ground to stand on. 

Although, you should have your USP figured out when you come up with your course idea. But if you still haven’t, make sure to do it before you make the launch plans. Figuring out your USP will help you shape and focus your marketing goals.

Take The Course for A Test Drive

Sit in the learner’s chair and take the course yourself. This will not only let you see things from the learner’s perspective but also allow you to evaluate the course content and effectiveness.

Taking the course yourself and testing it thoroughly is a critical phase and here’s why:

  • Check whether learners get it
  • Review the accuracy of information 
  • To experience every single scenario your learners could encounter
  • Catch any typos and grammatical mistakes 

Create Teasers to Build Excitement

Create a buzz well before launching the course! How? Host a webinar, find influencers in a similar niche, write blog posts, or if you have the budget why not throw a launch event? 

Creating teasers will not only spread the news of your upcoming course but will give the audience a sneak peek of the usefulness of the course content. 

Luckily, Tutor LMS lets you create extensive Course pages that you can use to give your audience a sneak peek of what’s included in the course. What’s even better is Tutor LMS is fully compatible with Yoast SEO and Rank Math so that you can make the content SEO-friendly.

Pre-sell Your Online Course

One of the best ways to validate the market demand for your eLearning course is to pre-sell it. Sounds crazy? Well, you are not the first to do that. Pre-selling a course before creating it validates the demand before investing the time and resources. Not only that, but it also brings in cash flow to develop the course. 

Come up with the course title, brief course overview, and a price for your soon-to-be-released course. And make the course available for sale before the launch date with limited student enrollment to create an urgency to pre-order the course.  If you are using Tutor LMS you can easily limit the number of students that can enroll in a specific course from the course settings. 

Get Your Timing Right

The right move at the wrong time is the wrong move! 

Getting your timing right is crucial when it comes to launching any product. To figure the right launch time you can make a list of moments when the course can come in handy. 

Refrain from doing this during hectic delivery dates or major holidays when your team or potential students will be away. 

Email Sequence Strategy

Ideally, you need a few email sequences to sell your online courses. First, you need to inform your audience about the launch. Here are our best practices for the product launch email:

  • Keep it short and simple
  • Use a clear and prominent call-to-action
  • Include highlights, course details, and benefits of the new course

Come up with an eye-catching subject line, use images to break up text and capture the interest of the reader, and include secondary CTAs that can link to other pages on your LMS site.

Post Launch Planning 

The party shouldn’t end here. To retain engagement long after the launch you need to do some post-launch planning as well. You don’t want to drop your students/clients the second they buy your course. You should walk them through the course.

Tutor LMS has a built-in email notification system to keep the students and tutors updated with the latest happenings for every use case scenario. To learn more about top email marketing strategies for your LMS site visit here.

Sweeten The Deal with a Discount

Often the newness of the course alone is incentive enough to drive conversions but you can further sweeten the deal with a launch coupon code. 

Tutor LMS lets you easily set your monetization plan with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, Restrict Content Pro, or Paid Membership Pro to bring a seamless eCommerce experience with Multiple payment gateways to maintain flexibility and scalability.

For example, if you are using WooCommerce, just set a discount price for your course and seal the deal with an attractive discount.

Wrapping Up 

It is always the extra efforts that add up to a big success! Use this article as a checklist before you rollout your carefully crafted eLearning course and see the difference in your next launch. 

Over to you. What are your must launch strategies? Let us know in the comments. Good luck!

Zareen Tasnim
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