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Tutor LMS 1.7.9: Get Improved Announcements & Certificate, and Better Compatibility With WooCommerce Subscriptions

Tutor LMS 1.7.9: Get Improved Announcements & Certificate, and Better Compatibility With WooCommerce Subscriptions

Good morning Tutor LMS users, hope you all are having a productive week! We’ve had quite a week getting the latest version of Tutor LMS ready. This incremental update promises to give your eLearning website a shot of espresso right in its brain!

So let’s go ahead and take a look at some of the features in the latest update.

Tutor LMS Free and Pro v1.7.9 Changelog:

  • New: Setting to enable showing instructor name on the certificate
  • Update: Announcement feature now has a separate menu for better management and avoid email trigger conflicts
  • Update: Enhanced security features in all ajax requests and other necessary places. Thanks Wordfence!
  • Update: Add WooCommerce subscription compatibility in the front end course builder
  • Fix: Zoom meetings fail to update or save on sites running languages other than English
  • Fix: Preview button was not working for courses in Admin Dashboard
  • Fix: Multiple email notification issue upon manual enrolment
  • Fix: Issue while attaching multiple files in assignments
  • Fix: Lesson add/edit access issue for multi instructors
  • Fix: Improved navigation for Course Reports page
  • Fix: Translation issue in Paid Membership Pro
  • Fix: User access issue in Zoom meeting list

Enhanced Announcements

Previously, announcements for that specific course was placed inside the course itself. This meant that you had to navigate to the course’s editing panel to make changes to announcements. But, with recent research into the Tutor LMS user experience, we’ve realised that announcements are difficult to manage like this. 

Therefore, we have moved them into a separate menu to streamline adding, modifying, or removing announcements.

To access announcements, navigate to the frontend dashboard, and then scroll down to announcements.

And from the backend WordPress admin panel, go to Tutor LMS > Announcements to access the newly added menu

To learn more about the newest changes to Announcements, please visit our in-depth documentation on it here.

A few important things to note while updating Tutor LMS this time:
  • You have to hard reload (simply press Cmd + Shift + R) the backend announcement page, otherwise there will be issues with positioning
  • If you get a 404 error on the frontend, log into the backend panel and navigate to Settings > Permalink and click on “Save Changes” without changing anything. This will fix the permalink issue.
  • You must update your theme after updating Tutor LMS. Otherwise, the frontend announcements page will have positioning issues.

Certificate Improvements

We’ve updated the certificate system as well. With this update, we have given site administrators the option to show or hide the course author name on the generated certificate.

This year, we have big plans for further improving the certificate system of Tutor LMS to make sure you are not falling behind. This update is just the start of a long list of future upgrades to Tutor LMS Certificates

WooCommerce Subscriptions Improvements

In previous versions of Tutor LMS, products created using WooCommerce Subscriptions became bugged when editing in the frontend course editor. This updated version addresses the issue and now the WooCommerce Subscription system should work effortlessly with the frontend course builder. 

Wrapping Up

So, did you find something in this update that piqued your interest? Let us know in the comments below!

Ruhit Rafian Prinon
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