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Tutor LMS 1.3.5 Comes with New Frontend Options, Fixes & More!

Tutor LMS 1.3.5 Comes with New Frontend Options, Fixes & More!

After the huge update last week introducing the mighty frontend course builder, we’re on again with another update of Tutor LMS! This update adds some more features to the frontend course builder, some clever tweaks, etc. So let’s take a quick peek at the changelog for Tutor LMS v1.3.5.

  • New: Admins can now publish courses directly from the frontend course builder 
  • New: Course type (free or paid) option on the frontend course editor
  • New: A helper method to get course type `tutils()->price_type()`
  • New: Filter to change template path apply_filters(‘tutor_get_template_path’, $template_location, $template)
  • Updated: `is_course_purchasable()` to check if course type is free or paid. If it’s free, it will return false under 'is_course_paid' filter
  • Fix: Add to wishlists on multiple courses wishlists issue
  • Fix: Duplicate entry for the topic in the course builder
  • Fix: Minor frontend course builder issues

Admins Can Directly Publish Courses from Frontend

With Tutor LMS admins can now directly publish a course from the frontend course builder. On the right-hand side, now there’s a “Publish Course” button. So you can directly publish a course from the frontend without even having to access the backend. For other instructors, it will have the old “Submit for review” button so that admins can review it before publishing.

Set Course Type (Free or Paid) from Frontend

In the previous update, you could attach a course as a product just by entering the price tag. But now you can enter a free course as a product as well. Once you start building the course, select the free option if it’s free or enter a price tag if it’s paid.

Tweaks to Boost Functionality

A new method `is_course_purchasable()`, has been added to check if the course type is free or paid. In case the course is free, it will return false under ‘is_course_paid’ filter. If you want to change a template location and add it from a third-party plugin, there’s a new function for that in this update. Filter to change template path apply_filters(‘tutor_get_template_path’, $template_location, $template). A helper method to get course type `tutils()->price_type()` has also been added.

Other Fixes

There were a few minor issues that we fixed in this update of Tutor LMS. All the known issues with the frontend course builder have been fixed. Moreover, duplicate entry for the topic issue in the course builder is now resolved. There was an issue with adding multiple courses on the wishlist that has also been fixed.

Wrapping Up

Our updates are the best way we can reward you for being such wonderful users. That’s why we come back time and time again with features, tweaks, and fixes that help improve your course creation process. Hearing from you and getting your feedback truly motivates us. So drop in a comment and let us know what you think of Tutor LMS, your desired features, and we will try our best to make that a reality!

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Tashfia Fareed
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