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Tutor LMS 1.3.6 Brings Highly Requested Membership Addon, Monetization Settings & Tweaks!

Tutor LMS 1.3.6 Brings Highly Requested Membership Addon, Monetization Settings & Tweaks!

Today is a huge milestone for all Tutor LMS users. Why? I’m describing that right away. Successful monetization of an eLearning site often comes to great subscription plans. An organized subscription system has been a part of our roadmap for a while. It comes into being today. We have introduced the Paid Memberships Pro addon in this Tutor LMS v1.3.6 update! 

But that’s not all, there are some more new additions in this update. Most of these have come from your feedback on our forums and community facebook group.

So let’s have a look at Tutor LMS v1.3.6 changelog and get an overview of what this update brings for you.

  • New: Paid Memberships Pro addon for subscription plans (Pro)
  • New: Centralized course monetization method selection
  • New: A function `get_tutor_option($key = null, $default = false)` to get tutor option, an alias of `tutils()->get_option($key, $default);`
  • New: A function `update_tutor_option($key = null, $value = false)` to update tutor option, an alies of `tutils()->update_option($key, $value);`
  • Update: Tutor Assignments addon purchase option on the free version add-on lists
  • Fix: WooCommerce notice print when adding courses to cart
  • Fix: Single course template loading issue

Centralized Course Monetization Method Settings

Tutor LMS has always claimed to be a complete UI-based plugin. Keeping that in mind, we have made it easier to select your online course platform. You can now choose whether you want to use WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) or Paid Memberships Pro (pro monetization feature) under the Monetization settings tab. All you have to do is select your course selling method and that’s about it.

Navigate to Tutor LMS > Settings> Monetization and select your preferred course monetization method.

If you offer all your courses for free on your site, then just select the “Disable Monetization” option.

Paid Memberships Pro Addon for Subscription Plans (Pro)

Tutor LMS now offers integration with the Paid Memberships Pro plugin. This introduces a whole new possibility when adding subscriptions to your site.

Note: You need the Paid Memberships Pro plugin installed and activated on your site to use our newly introduced Paid Memberships Pro addon.

So you must be really excited to know what this integration brings for you. Here we show a detailed step-by-step process to use the addon.

  1. Navigate to Tutor LMS Pro > Settings > Monetization

2. Select “Paid Memberships Pro” option from the list.

3. Go to Tutor LMS Pro > Addons > Paid Memberships Pro. Click on the addon to enable it.

4. Navigate to Memberships > Settings and click Add New Level. This is how you enter a membership plan.

5. Fill in all the required details such as Course ID, Billing Details, Other Settings, Content Settings, etc.

6. Edit Tutor LMS content settings.

There are a couple of really awesome options here. You can define your entire business model. The Paid Memberships Pro plugin then manages the entire subscription plan to help you earn revenue.

  • You can either choose “Full website membership”. With this option, users can subscribe to your entire eLearning site as a whole. Once subscribed, they have full access to any course you put on your site.
  • The “Category wise membership” option helps you create a site based on the category of courses you teach. For example, you can put all the courses under the category of Programming and sell them as a subscription.

You can select the child category as well to sell as a subscription. Keep in mind, that only the category that you select will show up. 
For details, have a look at the detailed documentation.

Developer Friendly Tweaks

There are two tweaks in this update that make the process even more simplified for developers. A function `get_tutor_option($key = null, $default = false)` to get tutor option, is now an alies of `tutils()->get_option($key, $default);`. Similarly, now developers can use the function `update_tutor_option($key = null, $value = false)` to update tutor option, an alies of `tutils()->update_option($key, $value);`

Note: We are in the process to update Tutor LMS settings to give you better navigation inside the plugin. You will soon get another update with even more organized settings.


There are a couple of fixes in this Tutor LMS update. The WooCommerce notice print issue when adding courses to cart has been fixed. The single course template loading issue has also been resolved in this update.

Wrapping Up

Every update we make goes back to the Tutor LMS feedback that we receive from you. Supporting your entire course cycle includes having a top-notch monetization feature. Introducing the Paid Memberships Pro addon will definitely accommodate all your subscription needs. The centralized monetization feature is aimed to improve the UX. Every developer-friendly tweak has been thought of to simplify the process of eLearning site creation. So comment down below to let us know what you think of this update and what you want next. We might feature your request in our future updates!

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Tashfia Fareed
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