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Tutor LMS Updated: Set Character Limit for Questions, Custom Message for Login Error, and More

Tutor LMS Updated: Set Character Limit for Questions, Custom Message for Login Error, and More

Introducing the latest free version 1.6.3 of your favorite LMS Plugin “Tutor LMS”. With today’s update, we are excited to bring you multiple new features along with fixes.

In these days of difficult times, it is more important than ever to provide a robust LMS for your eLearning platform. As the whole world is moving towards online education, it is becoming the new normal. So it is only justifiable that you have an edge of features when choosing Tutor LMS. With the latest update, we want to do just that.

To make it easier for you to learn about the new features along with the fixes we have added the changelog here.

Tutor LMS 1.6.3 Changelog

  • New: Q&A reply feature on the course home page.
  • New: Character limit for Open-Ended and Essay type questions.
  • New: Wrong username or password error message override feature.
  • Update: Overview tab renamed to Resources on the course home page.
  • Fix: Randomize feature not working for answers.
  • Fix: Login popup closes without showing any error message.
  • Fix: Password/username validation messages and UX
  • Fix: Course thumbnail not showing on social media sharing.
  • Fix: Course duration and video playback time validation.

Below are a few notable new things we are confident you will like.

Q&A reply feature on the course home page

Q&A reply of Tutor LMS course

With the latest update, now your enrolled students will be able to ask a question and your instructors can answer them back right from the frontend on the course home page.

Character limit for Open-Ended and Essay type questions

From now on you will be able to set a character limit for your open-ended & essay types questions. Let your students share their opinions in a concise format.

You will find the character limit option for open-ended/essay type questions in the advanced section when you are building the quiz.

Update your Tutor LMS plugin today to get the latest settings along with the other fixes. We are working hard to bring you the best LMS experience. And also thank you for supporting us as it wouldn’t have been possible without your help.

keep an eye on our website and social media channels more future updates and also stay safe.

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Mirza Rizvi Amin
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