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Tutor LMS v1.3.7 Update – New Subscription Addon, Social Link Options & More!

Tutor LMS v1.3.7 Update – New Subscription Addon, Social Link Options & More!

Creating the best WordPress LMS plugin is a lot of work. Our development team works endlessly to deliver the most innovative UI known to any LMS. So here we are today with another update that brings us closer to delivering you the greatest LMS plugin. This update brings new WooCommerce subscriptions addon, UI improvements, and several fixes. 

We know you want to know more about this update. So let’s have an overview of the changelog before we go into details of Tutor LMS v1.3.7.

  • New: WooCommerce Subscriptions addon in the Pro version
  • New: User’s social link adding ability from frontend dashboard
  • New: Action hook `do_action('tutor_is_enrolled_before', $course_id, $user_id);` and filter hook `apply_filters('tutor_is_enrolled', $getEnrolledInfo, $course_id, $user_id);`
  • Update: Student public profile design updated
  • Fix: Quiz attempt allowed 0 issue has been fixed
  • Fix: Tutor LMS Pro addon loading issue on Windows operating system
  • Fix: Query public profile user by user_nicename instead of user_login
  • Fix: Touch event on click Lesson and Q&A navigation in mobile

There are a lot of things to talk about in this plugin, so let’s get into it!

WooCommerce Subscriptions Addon (Pro)

The WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin integration has now been given into Tutor LMS. We know how subscriptions are a big part of course monetization options. So, after we recently integrated the plugin with Paid Memberships Pro plugin, now we added the WooCommerce Subscriptions addon too.

Do keep in mind that, to use this functionality you MUST have WooCommerce & WooCommerce Subscriptions plugins installed and activated on your site. Or else, you cannot enable the WooCommerce Subscriptions addon.

Once you activate these 2 plugins, you will get the enable/disable option for WooCommerce Subscriptions addon in Tutor LMS.

After that, it’s easy to create a course subscription. 

When adding a course, add a WooCommerce product like you normally would. If you have WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin all set up, then you will get two new options for subscription. Choose the one that’s best for your course plan. To know about all the details on how to use WooCommerce subscriptions addon in Tutor LMS, read the documentation.

Note: If an addon has a dependency with any plugin- you must install & activate the dependency plugin FIRST. Until you do that, the addon will not be enabled.

Both instructors and students can now insert social links directly from their respective frontend dashboard. This is a great way to promote your social profiles within your students. You can even link the social profiles of your courses as well using the given fields.

Go to Dashboard > Settings where you can include the social links of various profiles.

Tweaks & Fixes

Obviously, none of our updates have gone without a few extra tweaks for you all. So today we add the action hook `do_action('tutor_is_enrolled_before', $course_id, $user_id);` to include a few tasks before enrolling. Moreover, there’s a new filter hook `apply_filters('tutor_is_enrolled', $getEnrolledInfo, $course_id, $user_id); to check certain enrollment conditions. The student profile look is now updated with a new design.

There are some fixes in this update as well. The issue with quiz attempt allowed 0 has been fixed. If you set the quiz attempts to 0, students will have unlimited quiz attempts. Tutor LMS Pro addons loading issue on the Windows OS has been completely resolved. The query public profile user will now be done by user_nicename instead of user_login. The touch event on clicking Lesson and Q&A navigation in mobile issue has now been fixed as well.

Wrapping Up

Every aspect of Tutor LMS has been organized along the lines of your feedback. The expert reviews also inspire us a lot. Tutor LMS definitely enriches your entire course cycle. In this update, we have focused on adding more goodies for your course subscription options. Enjoy, and do continue to help us develop faster and better by sharing your ideas in the comments below!

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Tashfia Fareed
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