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Tutor LMS Update: New Course Completion Settings, Quiz Validation, and Other Improvements

Tutor LMS Update: New Course Completion Settings, Quiz Validation, and Other Improvements

Good day Tutor LMS users! Hope you all are having a fantastic week and staying as productive as ever. We’ve been staying productive ourselves as well, as the team’s been adding features and enhancements non-stop! In this week’s update of Tutor LMS, we’ve brought you several additions that will enhance your eLearning website even further.

Features including a better course completion process, a more intelligent quiz builder system, and many more are added in this update. So, let’s have a look at what’s new in this edition of Tutor LMS!

Changelog of Tutor LMS v1.6.1 (Free & Pro)

  • New: Course Completion Process in the course settings menu. Flexible and Strict mode. The strict mode forces students to complete all lessons and pass all quizzes in order to complete a given course. Whereas the flexible mode doesn’t force this.
  • New: All quiz question types now support validation. (If “Answer Required” is enabled)
  • Added: Hook, tutor/course/enrol_status_change/after
  • Added: Utils method, get_course_by_enrol_id($enrol_id);
  • Added: Utils method, course_enrol_status_change($enrol_id = false, $new_status = '');
  • Improved: Course curriculum content group gets a button design. Now it’s a link style button.
  • Improved: Course progress bar will show 100% progress only when students are done with all lessons, quizzes, and assignments.
  • Fixed: The course enrollment email was being sent to the instructor even if the students didn’t complete the payment while enrolling. (Pro)
  • Fixed: Unnecessary div print for quiz question description even if the description didn’t exist.

Below you will find more information on what the new features with releases mean for your LMS site.

Flexible or Strict Course Completion Process

With today’s update, you will find a brand new configuration option in the Course tab of your Tutor LMS settings section.

Tutor LMS Flexible or Strict Course Completion Process

The new Course Completion Process option allows you to set your LMS site’s difficulty level. You can make your course completion process flexible or strict to control whether students will need to complete specific criteria to pass the course. 

In short, the two new course completion processes are:

  1. Flexible: Allows the enrolled students to mark a course as complete anytime from anywhere in the course. No preset conditions. 
  2. Strict Mode: Students can mark a course as complete only by completing all the lessons and finishing all the quizzes.

All Quiz Question Types Get Validation Support

Also with the new update, every quiz type now supports validation. This means that you can now prevent an enrolled student from going to the next step of a quiz without answering the questions. Making sure there are no workarounds for completing a course properly.

Tutor LMS All Quiz Question Types Get Validation Support

Please note that quiz validation is only available if the instructor has set the quiz questions as required.

For Tutor LMS Quiz Validation to work  answer must be required

Tell Us What You Think

With your support, Tutor LMS has become one of the most popular LMS solutions in the world. And our goal for the future is to provide the best LMS building experience for our users. We hope you will be with us to achieve this.

Share your thoughts in the comment section below. And stay tuned for future updates.

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Mirza Rizvi Amin
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