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Tutor LMS v1.8.7: Improved Queuing for Announcement & Content Emails, Fixes, and Improvements

Tutor LMS v1.8.7: Improved Queuing for Announcement & Content Emails, Fixes, and Improvements

Using Tutor LMS to create your dream learning management site? Well, today we got some great news for you. Your favorite Tutor LMS site is getting a brand new update with multiple important fixes and improvements.

Here is the full change-log for both Tutor LMS v1.8.7 Free & Pro

  • Update: Improved Queuing system for Tutor LMS announcement and content drip email.
  • Fix: Users were not able to answer a Q&A
  • Fix: Custom player didn’t work for Vimeo
  • Fix: The user-submitted reviews for the first time didn’t show up
  • Fix: Line break in Quiz description not working
  • Fix: An instructor couldn’t see his/her own courses if the preview was disabled
  • Fix: Page not found for imported quizzes

Improved Queuing system for Tutor LMS announcement and content drip email

Improved Queuing system for Tutor LMS announcement and content drip email new feature

You will be glad to learn that from the latest Tutor LMS update you will now be able to disable WP Cron for bulk mailing of the announcement and content drip emails. WordPress has its own built-in cron mechanism that works through visitors’ HTTP request hits by default. The problem with this approach is that WP Cron can’t be executed automatically after a certain time interval. Unlike the native OS cron, that you run via cPanel or command-line interface.

Alert: It’s better you contact your hosting provider for this. You can either check for their documentation or get their customer support to help you directly which is always safer.

Navigate to wp-admin → Tutor LMS → Settings → E-mail Notification

In the settings option, you will find the following options. Configure them to suit your needs.

  • WP Cron for Bulk Mailing: Disable it if you want to trigger tutor email-sender exclusively via HTTP link using OS cron. See below instructions. Otherwise, just rely on wp cron and don’t disable it.
  • WP Email Cron Frequency: Define the frequency level for WP-Email Cron Job. Select from frequency levels such as
    • Highest (5 minutes)
    • Normal (15 minutes)
    • Low (30 minutes)
    • Lowest (60 minutes)
  • Email Per Cron Execution: Set the number of emails you want to send per cron execution.

Note: These settings only apply to the announcement and content drip emails. Other single transactional emails like enrollment, course publish emails will be sent as usual instantly.

➡️ You can learn more from this documentation.

Note: For the “Fix: Page not found for imported quizzes” please try a second time if the imported quizzes are not found on the frontend. A second time should be a charm. Thanks ?

Update Tutor LMS Today

From the description below you can find out that the latest update brings lot of new fixes along with improvements to existing features. So it is advised that you update to the new release.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below. And stay with us for more future updates like this.

Mirza Rizvi Amin
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