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Tutor LMS 1.5.0 Introduces Certificate Verification, Filters and Enhancements

Tutor LMS 1.5.0 Introduces Certificate Verification, Filters and Enhancements

With the turn of the decade, our Tutor LMS team has come up with a new update for your favorite LMS plugin! This time, Tutor LMS has added new filters, new bug fixes, and most important of all, a public Certificate Verification Feature.

Check out the full changelog of v1.5.0 

  • New: Unique public URL for certificate verification (Pro)
  • New: Filter `apply_filters('tutor_courses_base_slug', $course_post_type)`
  • New: Filter `apply_filters('tutor_lesson_base_slug', $lesson_post_type)`
  • Fix: Content missing issue while saving from lesson editor
  • Fix: Intermittent maintenance mode file system issue

Let’s take a detailed look at all the new additions.

Certificate Verification Public URL

With Tutor LMS, you can already use and create certificates. Wouldn’t it be better if there’s a certificate verification option? A ton of students now look towards e-learning solutions in order to get better qualifications for a job and academic purpose. This update adds a public URL for certificates. A potential employer can use this to check the validity of certificates obtained by a student through your site.

In order to enable this feature, you must follow these steps:

Step 1: Activate and install Tutor LMS Pro

Step 2: Enable Tutor Certificate from Dashboard > Tutor LMS > Addons > Certificate

Step 3: Enable View Certificate toggle from Tutor Pro > Settings > Tutor Certificate

Step 4: Make sure your web server has ImageMagick (Imagick) PHP module installed. You can verify this from your WordPress Dashboard > Tools > Site Health.

Alternatively, you can contact your web host support to confirm. You can also request them to install the module if it is not there already.

Now your students will be able to view a certificate page from the course page, given that they have completed the course.

Once you click the View Certificate button, it will take you to the newly added “View Certificate” page that is unique to each course a student takes. From this page, you will be able to copy the link to the certificate’s page in order to share it with anyone. You will also be able to directly share it to various social media platforms using the social share buttons. Moreover, you will be able to download the certificates from this page as an image as well.

verify certificate

New Filters and Bug Fixes

Using the newly added filters, developers will now be able to change the default URL slug of courses and lessons.

In the older versions, if you had any formatting in the text content, the content would not be saved to the database, while our users created a lesson in the course builder. The v1.5.0 update fixes this problem. Along with that, the file system issue during maintenance mode is also fixed.

Final Thoughts

During this year, we will be giving Tutor LMS our highest priority and keep releasing updates as much as we can. We have our goals set on making Tutor LMS a professional and complete LMS solution for all our users. For that, we will need constant feedback from you, our users. So keep commenting, keep talking and let us know what you think will improve the product!

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Ruhit Rafian Prinon
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