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Tutor LMS v1.6.9 Update Brings New Email Notifications, Optimized Certificates, and More

Tutor LMS v1.6.9 Update Brings New Email Notifications, Optimized Certificates, and More

Good morning eLearning enthusiasts! We hope your educational platforms are running smoothly and safely. Today, we’re here to introduce you to another incremental update to Tutor LMS. This update promises to make your favorite LMS plugin more robust and feature-rich. It also trims some fat around the edges to make it leaner. 

So, let’s take a detailed look into the changelog for Tutor LMS 1.6.9:

  • New: 13 email notification templates
  • New: Added 6 new action hooks and 2 helper methods
  • Update: User can disable Tutor LMS native login system
  • Update: ImageMagick dependency removed from certificate generator
  • Update: Option added to control course content access for instructors and administrators
  • Update: Topic Summary toggle option added in course page
  • Fix: Certificate Unicode fonts issue
  • Fix: Certificate image generation issues
  • Fix: Issue with deleting reviews from Reports addon
  • Fix: Lesson page access issue for administrator
  • Fix: CSS issue in back-end course builder
  • Fix: SQL syntax error on course page

13 New Email Notification Templates

The community was very vocal to get some variation in the Tutor LMS email notification system. Therefore, we’ve created 13 new notification templates that include all the requested types and more. We think both instructors and students will love these notifications. Take a look at the latest additions to email notifications that admins and instructors can make use of from today! 

Editing the content on these email templates is very simple, and we have provided easy guidelines on how to do them in our documentation on email templates here.

Optimized Tutor LMS Certificate Generator

Previously, if you wanted to do some image manipulation like creating custom certificates for your courses, you had to install the ImageMagick PHP library on your server. This caused some server side issues as well as render issues. To fix this, we’ve created a different method for image manipulation and your Tutor LMS powered WordPress website does not need ImageMagick installed. Tutor LMS certificates will now work just fine without it.

We have also worked out another issue regarding Unicode font support and fixed rendering on Tutor LMS certificate generator. So, hopefully, your multilingual or unicode fonts will work perfectly from now on. To get exact instructions on how to implement custom fonts on your certificates, please visit our documentation on custom fonts for step by step guidelines.

Dev Notes: If you were using Certificate Customizer for Tutor LMS to add custom templates, your certificates will have spacing issues due to us moving to a new certificate processing system. To make sure it behaves properly, you have to edit your pdf.css file accordingly. If you need any kind of help, you can always email us at [email protected] or reach out to us in live chat for priority support.

Quality of Life Changes

In the previous update for Tutor LMS, we added some quality of life updates for both instructors and administrators of websites powered by Tutor LMS. It enabled them access to the entire course as well as lessons and quizzes without enrolling. Doubling down on that, we have given you an option to enable or disable this option if you choose. To change this option, go to WP Admin > Tutor LMS > Settings > Course and disable Course Content Access. Now instructors will only be able to view the course elements by enrolling themselves.

Moreover, we have given you the option to disable the native login page for Tutor LMS. Instead, you can use default WordPress’s login system or a login page of your own design. To find this option, go to WP Admin > Tutor LMS > Settings > General and disable Tutor Native Login.

Other Minor Changes

We have fixed some issues that an admin sometimes faced when deleting unwanted reviews in the Reports addon. Admins can now effectively moderate the reviews from the Reports addon. We have also enhanced the administrative feature we added on our last update. Now, admins can view the lessons consistently. 

We have optimized Tutor LMS Pro by a massive margin and dropped its size by a whopping 50%. This means the Tutor LMS Pro plugin is just half the size from the previous versions.

You will also get access to 6 new hooks for in-depth customization of your Tutor LMS powered site even further.

  • do_action('tutor_after_student_signup', $user_id);
  • do_action('tutor_enrollment/after/cancel', $enrol_id);
  • do_action('tutor_enrollment/after/delete', $enrol_id);
  • do_action('tutor_enrollment/after/complete', $enrol_id);
  • do_action('tutor_announcements/after/save', $announcement_id);
  • do_action('tutor_quiz/attempts/after/feedback', $attempts_id);

Two new helper methods have also been added to Tutor LMS: 

  • `tutils()->get_enrolment_by_enrol_id($enrol_id)` to get enrollment details by enrolid
  • `tutils()->get_student_emails_by_course_id($course_id)` to get array list of enrolled user emails

Wrapping Up

These changes will make Tutor LMS the one-stop solution for all your LMS needs. Heading towards the end of 2020, I’m sure we’ve all realised how important eLearning is to all our communities. As a result, we will continue to create more value on your favorite plugin. And as always, let us know if you’ve faced any issues and we’ll add it to our to-do lists immediately!

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Ruhit Rafian Prinon
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