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Tutor LMS v1.8.1 Brings Enrollment Expiration, Lighter Zoom Integration, and Other Hotfixes

Tutor LMS v1.8.1 Brings Enrollment Expiration, Lighter Zoom Integration, and Other Hotfixes

Hello to all our valued Tutor LMS users! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Today we’re publishing a hot-fix to the most recent version of Tutor LMS. 

We know you all are a bunch of busy bees, so without wasting any time, let’s get started with a run-down on the newest changes to Tutor LMS

Tutor LMS v1.8.1 Changelog:

  • New: Course enrollment expiration
  • New: Email Notification for course enrollment expiration
  • Update: Improved frontend asset loading on Zoom Meetings
  • Update: Confirmation message after saving Zoom Meetings
  • Fix: Meeting access issue while using Zoom on Course Single Page
  • Fix: Quiz not loading on the lesson page
  • Fix: Max student count not saving

Set Expiration Periods for Course Enrollments

With this update, we’ve added a hotly requested feature for instructors and administrators who want to set expiration on how long a student can access a course after enrolling in it. Basically, this will allow instructors to create a recurring payment model for courses. 

If an instructor sets an expiry period for this course’s enrolment, the student will only be able to access the course for a set period of time. After that period is over, the student will have to re-enroll (and possibly make more payment) to get access to the course again.

Potential students can see this expiration period of your course on the frontend right below the “Add to Cart” button. Once a student enrolls, this value will count downwards every day to show the correct enrollment validity for his or her course enrollment.

New Email Notification for Expired Enrollments

This feature also comes with a new email notification which will be automatically sent to the student once the course has expired. 

Please keep in mind that you will have to enable this notifications from hte settings. To enable, navigate to WP Admin > Tutor LMS Pro > Settings and enable “Course enrolment expired”.

Other Notable Changes

Besides the new additions, we have also added a few enhancements to the core of our plugin that will patch some issues with the previous build.

  • Update: Improved frontend asset loading on Zoom Meetings

This update also improves asset loading while using the Zoom integration as unused assets are not loaded until they are needed. This should result in faster site performance if you are a heavy user of Zoom meetings on your eLearning website. 

  • Fix: Meeting access issue while using Zoom on Course Single Page

Some users were having problems when trying to access Zoom meetings on the course’s single page. This issue has been fixed and now you will be able to use our integration with Zoom effortlessly.

  • Fix: Quiz not loading on the lesson page

We have deployed a fix to one of our issues that were faced by users when they updated to the newest version of Tutor LMS. In the previous version of Tutor LMS, users had issues accessing quizzes from the lesson page. This has since been patched and will work effectively here on. 

Wrapping Up

Tutor LMS v1.8.0 was a major update that included file restructuring, tons of new UI and UX fixes as well as under the hood improvements. As a result, there were an unusual number of issues that were discovered and have since been resolved. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope the new features on v1.8.1 make up for it ?.

Till the next update, stay safe, and take care and keep slaying in the eLearning industry!

Ruhit Rafian Prinon
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