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Tutor LMS V2.0.6 Brings Quality of Life Improvements With New Features, and Fixes

Tutor LMS V2.0.6 Brings Quality of Life Improvements With New Features, and Fixes

It’s a good day for Tutor LMS fans and users because it’s time for another Tutor LMS update. Today we are bringing the all-new Tutor LMS 2.0.6 packed with new features, bug fixes, and improvements to the ever-evolving Tutor LMS. 

NOTICE: It is not mandatory, but we recommend that, after a plugin is upgraded, it is good to check whether the right Monetization option (WooCommerce, EDD, PmPro etc) is set in the “Settings > Monetization > Select eCommerce Engine”. Besides, it is good to reset the permalink as well.

We have made some significant quality of life improvements to Tutor LMS. Find the details of the update in the changelog below. 

  • New: Admin will be able to moderate Course Review submitted by Students; Admin can enable it from Settings
  • New: Sort courses by date and course name on the Course List page 
  • New: A Load More option is added to the Q&A tab on the Course Details page
  • New: A Load More option is added to the Comments tab on the Lesson page
  • New: Instructor will be redirected to the My Courses page after clicking on the course Publish button; Admin can enable it from Settings
  • New: Admin can now Enroll multiple students in a Course on a newly designed Manual Enrollment page
  • Update: The Quiz Attempts page is now further optimized to load faster
  • Update: In Content Drip when there is a pre-requisite course, students will see a newly designed Alert page 
  • Update: More strings are now translatable in languages other than English
  • Fix: In Content Drip, the Course content available sequentially option was not working
  • Fix: Content Drip was not working as expected for Instructors/Admins when Course Content Access was enabled
  • Fix: The lock icon was not appearing when Content Drip restricts content
  • Fix: Some stats were showing the wrong count on the Reports page
  • Fix: In WP-Admin, on the Instructor page the Status sort option was not working
  • Fix: In some cases, Admin was not being able to see the Q&A tab even though Course Content Access was enabled
  • Fix: In mobile view, the Quizzes were not sortable or draggable
  • Fix: Quiz Ordering used to get changed after updating any specific Quiz
  • Fix: After adding a Custom Link to Tutor Dashboard Menu (with custom code), the design would appear broken
  • Fix: Adding the multiple instructor feature was not working

New Admin Course Review Moderation Abilities

Admins can enable an option from settings that lets them moderate a course review sent by a student. This is a great new feature as it lets admins control potentially malicious reviews and just, in general, gives them more control over their site. 

This new setting can be found under Tutor LMS > Settings > Course, if enabled the site admin has complete control over the reviews submitted by students, and only after they approve it the review will be published. If the toggle is disabled then the review will auto-publish as before. 

Better Organize Your Content With the “Load More” Option

Load More buttons allow less content to appear upfront for the user allowing pages to load more quickly. To help with site speed and user experience, we have added a load more button on the Q/A tab of the Course Details page and on the Comments tabs of the Lesson page. 

Redirect Instructor to the My Courses Page

Instructors will now be redirected to the My Courses page after publishing a course. Admins can enable the settings from Tutor LMS > Settings > Course. 

This is a quality of life improvement to the overall experience of Tutor LMS as it reduces the number of clicks an instructor has to perform to complete certain tasks.  

Enroll Multiple Students with a Newly Designed Manual Enrollment Page 

Admins are now able to enroll multiple students in a course manually with a new manual enrolment page. In the Enrolments tab of Tutor LMS if you click on the Enroll a Student button an all-new pop-up will greet you. Using this pop-up you can add multiple students to a course with utmost ease. 

Sort Courses by Date and Title

You can now sort courses on the Course-List page by date and course title. This adds a nice quality of life feature to Tutor LMS and makes your students’ lives easier too. 

Other Notable Changes and Fixes

Multiple Content drip fixes: In Content Drip when there is a pre-requisite course, students will see the Alert page with a new design. This is a small update to content drip as a general design improvement. 

The content drip settings had multiple issues that we have addressed in this update. In Content Drip the Course content available sequentially option was not working, we have addressed and fixed this issue. 

Content Drip was not working as expected for Instructors/Admins when Course Content Access was enabled. We have made sure this is behaving as expected for users now. 

The lock icon was not appearing when Content Drip restricted any content. This was a subtle we have fixed as well. 

In Content Drip when there is a pre-requisite course, students will see the Alert page with a new design

In mobile view the Quizzes were not sortable or draggable: When in mobile view multiple quizzes were not being draggable in the course builder. We realize this has been an issue for mobile users and have fixed it with this update. 

Adding multiple instructor feature was not working in some cases: The Add Instructor button to add multiple instructors from the course builder was sometimes facing issues for certain users. This is a very crucial feature of Tutor LMS and hence we have promptly fixed it for users. 

Other than these notable fixes we have made many more improvements in this update as well. Do check out the changelog once again to see if issues you have been facing have been adressed.

Get the Update Now

Our thrive to make Tutor LMS better will not falter as we are constantly looking to improve on user feedback. Do remember to always leave your valuable feedback for Tutor LMS as we look forward to hearing from you all. 

Tutor LMS 2.0.6 is out and about, don’t hold back and update right now to get a taste of the feature-packed new version. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and have a good one! 

Sami Muhammad Gazi
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