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Tutor v1.8.4 Is Here With Filter Option for Instructor Listing, Reduced Plugin File Size, and More

Tutor v1.8.4 Is Here With Filter Option for Instructor Listing, Reduced Plugin File Size, and More

Good day readers! Welcome to another update to Tutor LMS core. We’ve been doing a lot of work with massive upcoming features and updates that will rock your socks off. But before we deployed that, we felt that we missed some much needed stability and speed in our core plugin. As such, we’re updating Tutor LMS’s core to improve these things. 

Tutor LMS 1.8.4 Changelog:

  • New: Sorting option in Zoom meeting list
  • New: Instructor list filter option in shortcode using attribute filter = on
  • Update: Tutor Pro plugin file size optimized from 6.2MB to 2.5MB
  • Update: Quiz export/import file size limit waived
  • Fix: ‘Headers already sent’ in course editor frontend
  • Fix: Course Prerequisite is not limiting access to quizzes and assignments
  • Fix: Quiz title not found in attempt review email
  • Fix: Guzzlehttp conflict

Ordering Option in Zoom Meetings by Date

This version of Tutor LMS allows admins and instructors to sort the Zoom meeting list by meeting date.

Instructor Filter Option in Shortcode

Tutor LMS featured a shortcode which allowed you to display all instructors in any page or post using the shortcode: 

[tutor_instructor_list column_per_row="1" count="2" layout="pp-top-left"]

You can now add the attribute “filter=on” to enable category, rating and search filters to the instructor list. If added, the shortcode will look like this:

[tutor_instructor_list column_per_row="1" filter=on count="2" layout="pp-top-left"]

…and generate an instructor list like this

Disclaimer This image is for demonstration purposes only. The listing’s look and feel will differ based on your theme’s styling profile.

You can further customize the listing by modifying the other attributes, details of which can be found in our documentation here.

Tutor Pro File Size Optimizations

We have optimized several files, assets, and file structure and reduced the file size by a huge 3.7MB, more than half the original size. This means your plugin will be more optimized and not take a huge toll on your hosting servers.

Course Prerequisite Issue

In previous versions of Tutor LMS, course prerequisites were only limiting access to lessons. But assignments and quizzes were accessible even if a student did not finish the prerequisite course. In the new version this inconsistency has been resolved and now students must finish the previous course before accessing quizzes and assignments.

Quiz Export/Import File Size Limit Waived

In this version of Tutor LMS, we’ve removed the file size limit. Now the files generated using the feature can be of any reasonable size and you should not run into any issues while importing or exporting quizzes. 

However, be mindful of the maximum execution time and maximum upload file size of your WordPress system, as they will be the bottlenecks from here on out. If you need to increase execution time, please visit this article by WPBeginner, or contact your hosting provider.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it! A new update to boost your Tutor LMS powered website further into the future of eLearning. What do you think of these changes? Let us know in the comments below.

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