Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



September 21, 2022
New Compatibility with PeepSo Social Networking plugin is Introduced
Update More security improvement is introduced
Fix Zoom meeting list design was partially broken on the frontend dashboard


August 18, 2022
New Custom Time setting for showing Answer in the Quiz Reveal mode is introduced
New Admin/Instructor will be able to add Code Blocks inside a Lesson/Assignment/Quiz
New "Enrollment Box" widget can be placed at the top of the Course Details page in Mobile View, Admin can manage it from Settings
Update Introduced more security improvements
Update Timezone Name List is now searchable on Zoom Meeting Add/Edit modal
Update The Course Details page will now show WooCommerce Subscription Details information
Fix The "Feedback submitted for Quiz Attempt" email template was sending wrong Dashboard link
Fix Ordered/Unordered List tags were not supported in the Lesson pages
Fix Zoom Meeting page was showing wrong spacing between the meeting details
Fix Multiple answers-based questions were having trouble in case of quiz Reveal Mode
Fix Wrong event date was being highlighted on the Tutor Calendar
Fix Instructor Earning was not being updated when Autocomplete Order is Enabled
Fix On the Course List page, the Course Price was showing twice, and the Booking percentage was showing a long fractional value when using EDD
Fix On the "My Profile" page the Registration Date was showing wrong
Fix Wrong count was appearing on the first Question after starting a Quiz
Fix Quiz Time Counter was not working on Safari Browser
Fix Users were unable to click the Cross button to leave a Zoom Meeting in the Course Journey
Fix Column Title in "My Quiz Attempts" was showing wrong
Fix The settings page input fields were accepting negative value
Fix Profile Edit related Tutor LMS Hooks were not working
Fix Gradebook was showing "F" to unattempted Quizzes and Pending Assignments
Fix On the Question & Answer page the Sort By dropdown options were not Translatable
Fix The "More" option's text on the Course Details page was not translatable
Fix "Mark as Complete" button was not appearing in Mobile View for Tutor Starter
Fix A huge gap was appearing around the Course List when 2 Column Layout Design was selected
Fix In the Course Builder, the Price fields of WooCommerce were conflicting with EDD
Fix When a course was permanently deleted, the course-related data were not being deleted
Fix The Course Journey pages (Quiz/Assignment) were not mobile responsive
Fix Course "% Complete" text was not translatable on the Lesson page in Mobile View
Fix The "Student Ratings & Reviews" text on the Course Details page was not translatable
Fix The Course List Filter had CSS issue
Fix In Tutor Settings, Tooltip was overlapping the Panel border
Fix The "Quiz Attempts" frontend page design was broken in the Mobile View
Fix Hide Admin Bar and Restrict Access to WP Admin for Instructor was conflicting for Free Users
Fix After a revised Assignment Submission student was not being redirected to the Assignment Overview page


July 25, 2022
Fix Settings was not being saved in some specific cases
Fix Settings was throwing a console error regarding TinyMCE
Fix Settings was being saved in other cases, but the "Save" button was not being marked as saved