Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



November 2, 2022
Update BunnyNet Compatibility Update is Introduced
Update More Security Compatibility Update is Introduced
Fix Backend Assignment page was not showing newly submitted assignments in some cases


October 25, 2022
Update More security improvement is introduced
Update PeepSo Profile Avatar compatibility is introduced
Fix Some known bugs related to Course, Login and Lesson pages are fixed


October 20, 2022
New Instructors will be able to create Online Events over Google Meet
New Dedicated Login page with Shortcode for Login page is introduced
New "Accessing next Course Content based on Mandatory Pass in a Quiz" feature is introduced; Admin can enable it from Quiz Builder
New Course Duplicating feature is introduced for the front-end Dashboard
New Rich Text Editor is introduced for the Q&A Reply section
New "Overview" and "Exercise File" tabs will now appear only when content is available under the particular tabs
New On manual Enrollment to Paid Courses, an Invoice will be automatically generated, therefore, on changing Payment Status, Earning Report will be reflected
New On the Manual Enrollment page, the students are searchable by Email Address now
Update BunnyNet Compatibility is Improved
Update Tutor LMS is now compatible with the latest BuddyBoss
Update More security improvements are introduced
Update The frontend dashboard Zoom Meeting page design is improved
Update The frontend dashboard "Assignment" page design is improved
Update Translations are improved on the Front-end Dashboard
Update On Question & Answer page, the Table design is improved
Fix Changes in text color on the Lesson Editor was not appearing on the Front-end Lesson page
Fix Multiple files were not being uploaded while submitting an assignment
Fix After changing course author, the new author was unable to edit lessons using WP-Editor
Fix In some cases, just after starting a quiz, the unfinished quiz was being marked as completed
Fix All questions are required, but still, sometimes the last question of a quiz was appearing optional
Fix Instructors with an Admin Role were not removable from the Instructor List
Fix The Course List page sorting option was not working properly
Fix Submitted assignment's Attachment File Size was appearing wrong
Fix The Assignment Submission page had a design overlap issue
Fix "Zoom Meeting Archive" page and the Meeting links were publicly accessible
Fix Math formulas were not appearing correctly on the Quiz Attempt pages
Fix Toast Message was showing the same color for all message types
Fix Course List Page pagination had some issues
Fix Admin Panel Quiz Attempts page was showing the wrong Quiz Attempt count
Fix The assignment Report page had a design issue on Upload files tab
Fix Enroll date was showing incorrectly on the Student Details page and also report pages
Fix Zoom Meeting List page was not showing the Pagination Bar by default
Fix Students were not getting the On-site Notification for "Q&A Message Answered" cases
Fix Minimum Days Before Balance is Available was selectable as "0" which should not go below "1"
Fix In the case of Gutenberg Editor the Primary Author was not changeable
Fix If the "Deduct Fees" option was disabled in the Settings, still the "Fee Description" and "Fee Amount & Type" options were appearing
Fix Username was being sent instead of First Name and Last Name on email notifications
Fix In the LMS Reports section, the Sales Report was not showing Badge design for Processing status
Fix The "Disable Tutor Login" option was not working in case of Add to Wishlist
Fix In some cases, error was appearing in the Review Section of the Course Details page
Fix In the course journey, the "Delete Quiz Attempt" feature was appearing for students as well
Fix On the Course List page, the "Enroll Now" button was not working until it was clicked twice
Fix WooCommerce Products were selectable for multiple Courses which was causing errors
Fix Unnecessary backslashes were coming under the Review tab