Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



January 11, 2024
New Added Write and Delete permissions in REST API (Pro)
New Automatic permalink updates when required
New Support for quiz base permalink updates
New Support for assignment base permalink updates (Pro)
New Added placeholder support on email heading (Pro)
Update Added PHP 8.1 and 8.2 compatibility
Update Updated compatibility with the latest WooCommerce database update
Update The "Restore Default" option for the email trigger's data (Pro)
Fix Resolved assignment file upload option disappearance when the max file upload option is set to zero (Pro)
Fix Resolved issue with JS files translation not working properly (Pro)
Fix Fixed email logo blurriness and logo not appear on email when hotlink protection is enabled (Pro)
Fix Resolved the category filters not working on the backend course bundle page (Pro)
Fix Resolved password strength not showing on registration pages
Fix Fixed Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Pro not appearing on the Monetization dropdown menu
Fix Fixed the issues with blank assignment submissions caused by delayed page loading (Pro)
Fix Resolved design conflict with block themes in the course content area
Fix Fixed email not triggering when updating course status from the backend course list page (Pro)
Fix "All fields required" messages when creating a Zoom meeting with non-English time settings (Pro)


December 7, 2023
New A revamped design for email with a better user experience (Pro)
New Default configuration for email templates (Pro)
New Option to add Alt tag/text for Email logo (Pro)
New Customize the email template color for each part (header, body, button, footer) (Pro)
New Option to align email logo, title, body, button, and footer text (Pro)
New (Triggered Event) Send a test email to a given email address (Pro)
New (Triggered Event) Reminder email to students to resume the course if they are inactive for a certain period (Pro)
New (Triggered Event) A welcome email to students after registration (Pro)
New (Triggered Event) Reminder email for lesson comments (Pro)
New (Triggered Event) Email notification for instructors if their application gets rejected (Pro)
New Manual template creation for manually sending email (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email everyone about any news, event, or manual notifications (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email only all admins about any updates (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all students about any events (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all instructors about any events (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all instructors of a selected course/courses (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all students of a selected course/courses (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all students who completed any course. (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all students who completed a selected course/courses (Pro)
New (Manual email) Email all students except selected courses. (Pro)
Update Custom course slug will be applied in the learning area
Update Added WordPress 6.4 compatibility
Update Added MySQL 8 compatibility
Fix Students getting course access even after the PM Pro subscription had expired issue fixed (Pro)
Fix New student sign-up mail not being sent to the admin issue fixed (Pro)
Fix The “Complete Course” button not appearing issue on mobile devices in the learning area fixed
Fix Email template translation issues and some Email triggers not working issue fixed (Pro)


October 16, 2023
New Display lesson, quiz, and assignment status with colored tick marks in learning area
New Let students track the course progress on the course detail page with a new "Review Progress" button
New Showcase Zoom and Google Meet meetings on the Tutor LMS Calendar (Pro)
New Showcase upcoming lessons and quizzes on the Tutor LMS Calendar upon scheduling them with Content Drip (Pro)
New Let students share their certificates to social media from the certificate download page (Pro)
New “Complete Course” button added on learning area upon completing all course content (Pro)
New Ability to check for admins and instructors if a student has generated a certificate (Pro)
New Ability to update instructor information and set custom revenue share percentage on a popup (Pro)
Update Editor support for instructor bio from the backend instructor list
Update Certificate preview and OTP page are now compatible with Elementor/Divi custom header, footer (Pro)
Update Optimized certificate download time (Pro)
Update Enhanced certificate resolution for certificate builder-generated certificates
Update Tutor Player optimized for Vimeo videos (Pro)
Fix Ability to complete a course without passing quizzes/assignments with auto-complete enabled on strict mode
Fix Inaccurate course percentage in some cases
Fix Pagination issues on the course list page resolved for users who used shortcodes
Fix The Certificate preview section issues on the course details page on Safari
Fix Social links not working issue on the Instructor profile page in the mobile view