Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



October 16, 2023
New Display lesson, quiz, and assignment status with colored tick marks in learning area
New Let students track the course progress on the course detail page with a new "Review Progress" button
New Showcase Zoom and Google Meet meetings on the Tutor LMS Calendar (Pro)
New Showcase upcoming lessons and quizzes on the Tutor LMS Calendar upon scheduling them with Content Drip (Pro)
New Let students share their certificates to social media from the certificate download page (Pro)
New “Complete Course” button added on learning area upon completing all course content (Pro)
New Ability to check for admins and instructors if a student has generated a certificate (Pro)
New Ability to update instructor information and set custom revenue share percentage on a popup (Pro)
Update Editor support for instructor bio from the backend instructor list
Update Certificate preview and OTP page are now compatible with Elementor/Divi custom header, footer (Pro)
Update Optimized certificate download time (Pro)
Update Enhanced certificate resolution for certificate builder-generated certificates
Update Tutor Player optimized for Vimeo videos (Pro)
Fix Ability to complete a course without passing quizzes/assignments with auto-complete enabled on strict mode
Fix Inaccurate course percentage in some cases
Fix Pagination issues on the course list page resolved for users who used shortcodes
Fix The Certificate preview section issues on the course details page on Safari
Fix Social links not working issue on the Instructor profile page in the mobile view


September 20, 2023
New Secure your Tutor LMS site content with Hotlink protection
New Disable right-click for Tutor LMS site content to prevent copying
New Recommended YouTube videos will be hidden on Tutor Player
New Added course review pop-up when a course is automatically completed
New Course permalink base is now updatable
Update For live lessons, the “Mark as complete” button will only appear once the Zoom/Google Meet meeting has started.
Update Tutor LMS settings navigation bar is now sticky
Fix Resolved email formatting issues on Gmail and Outlook web versions
Fix Resolved the on-site notification system’s incorrect time issue
Fix Various translation related issues
Fix Resolved known security issues


August 28, 2023
New Added Video Lesson Completion Control when using Tutor Player.
New Added ability to hide video branding in Tutor Player.
New Implemented automatic video lesson resume feature in Tutor Player.
New Added support for changing the Email Template background image.
New Added WP editor support on the frontend instructor profile-bio field.
New Added instructor’s earning summary on the instructor list.
New Added Latex support to lesson and quiz editor.
New Added deletion of canceled enrollment from the enrollment list.
New Added Private and Schedule filter tabs in courses and course bundle listing page.
Update WordPress 6.3 compatibility.
Update Added email address to Analytics CSV data.
Update Removed Tutor LMS's force password reset form.
Fix Fixed issue with displaying incorrect information on the quiz attempt list.
Fix Fixed issue with untranslated strings.
Fix Resolved design problem with the Edit menu on the Course List page.
Fix Fixed issue with instructors making withdrawal requests exceeding available balance.
Fix Fixed issue with invalid or missing Google client ID for Google login.
Fix Fixed issue with course enrollment email to students.
Fix Removed the appearance of HTML code in the course details page enrollment box when using Restrict Content Pro.
Fix Fixed issue with missing space in quiz attempt table headings.
Fix Resolved fatal error on completing a course when the Certificate addon is disabled.