Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



June 6, 2024
Fix An invalid revenue sharing percentage could be set in the tutor settings
Fix 'Commission & Fees' tab renamed to 'Commission' to reduce confusion
Fix Error on Course List page with Restrict Content Pro
Fix Warning on quiz attempt details page
Fix Bundle course products were showing on the shop page despite 'Hide Course Products on Shop Page' being enabled (Pro)
Fix Answer Required option not working for Image Matching, Matching, and Ordering quiz types
Fix Course progress resetting when WC Subscriptions expired (Pro)
Fix Assignment submission time was not showing WP timezone on the frontend dashboard (Pro)
Fix HTML text appearing in enrolment box with Paid Membership Pro (Pro)
Fix Course content access not working for instructors and admins when a course has prerequisites (Pro)
Fix Error on first-time installation
Fix Enhanced plugin security


May 14, 2024
New Added Quiz Details API
Update Updated several API endpoints and fortified the API infrastructure
Update Enriched user experience through multiple enhancements
Fix Fixed WooCommerce conflicts with Tutor LMS API
Fix Resolved critical security vulnerabilities
Fix Fixed “Class Not Found” errors in some scenarios
Fix Resolved various translation-related issues


April 24, 2024
New Introduced API for accessing course content
New Added API for student dashboard functionality (Pro)
New Implemented API for student calendar event list (Pro)
New Added API for accessing the student's enrolled courses (Pro)
New Introduced API for retrieving quiz attempt lists (Pro)
New Added API for accessing enrolled student lists on a course (Pro)
New Implemented API for accepting instructor registration applications (Pro)
New Added API for viewing student order history (Pro)
New Introduced APIs for profile management (Pro)
New Implemented APIs for Q&A management (Pro)
Update Compatibility with WordPress 6.5
Update Implemented various enhancements to improve the overall user experience
Fix Fixed the duplicate H1 tags issue on every single page
Fix Resolved various translation-related issues
Fix Enhanced security by solving a few vulnerabilities