Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



May 30, 2023
New Course Bundle addon with WooCommerce
New Quiz answer explanation
Update Zoom integration updated from JWT to OAuth
Update Security improvement
Fix Clear all session button is not appearing for social login
Fix Instructor avatar isn't working in the email
Fix Social login or registration not working with some languages


April 13, 2023
New Added option to manage active login sessions
New Added Twitter as part of social logins
New Added Fraud protection on Password reset form
Update Introduced Co-Author badge on the My Courses page to clarify roles
Update “Set Withdraw Method” option was showing up on the Dashboard profile even if monetization was disabled
Fix Decimal values are no longer allowed in content drip settings in lessons when setting the number of days


March 30, 2023
New Introduced Social Login to let users register & login through social networks like Facebook or Google
New Introduced Email verification option upon signup, which will be applicable for new student or instructor registration
New Introduced reCaptcha and HoneyPot as Fraud protection tools
New Two-Factor Authentication with Email OTP added for Tutor and WP logins
Update Some Performance optimizations across the plugin
Update Translations improvements for better compatibility
Fix Content Drip “Course content available sequentially” not working on the mobile device
Fix Backend assignment page was showing pagination even if there was no content.
Fix When admin changed the status of an instructor from the instructor list, it generated a console error
Fix Enrol button need to click twice from course details