Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



July 20, 2023
New Quiz question description section now has WP Editor support.
New Added option to showcase Certificates in the course details page.
New Added Audio and Video support in Lesson Description text editor.
New Added option to make the sidebar sticky in the course details page.
Fix The quiz attempts count was being inaccurate.
Fix Instructor insert name pattern matching issue.
Fix Lesson count was being displayed twice in the report for any specific course.
Fix Wrong email was being sent out upon quiz submission in specific cases.
Fix Bundled courses weren't showing on the default course archive page.
Fix Course bundle price wasn’t supporting decimal value inputs.
Fix The current course list shortcode was not working for course bundles.
Fix In manual instructor registration, instructor could not be added without a phone number.
Fix Students weren't getting certificate download links with email after course completion when AutoComplete course was enabled.
Fix When the "Deduct Fees" option was disabled in settings, the “Fee Description” and "Fee Amount & Type" options were still appearing in analytics.


June 21, 2023
Update Added manual enrollment support for Course Bundle
Update Included Answer Explanation data in Quiz Export CSV
Update Improved the statement section of Dashboard Analytics
Fix Fixed redirection issue for students or instructors after registration
Fix Resolved Course default thumbnail image not displaying issue
Fix Fixed Clear all sessions not working in WP native login and Tutor modal login
Fix Fixed the inability to add questions to Quiz in new tutor site setups
Fix Corrected wrong enrollment count display on the course list page when the Course Bundle addon was disabled
Fix Creating a course as an instructor from the backend resulted in all courses being assigned under the topic issue
Fix Resolved Login OTP issue for some themes or custom headers
Fix Students were receiving the certificate download URL in the course completed email even when certificates were disabled for the course
Fix On the assignment page, pass assignments show failed count if the assignment total mark and evaluate mark are the same
Fix Corrected the course completed count display issue when the admin manually enrolled students in a free course
Fix Resolved fatal error related to COOKIEHASH in a multisite environment
Fix On the course details page course price showing without TAX
Fix GradeBook settings were allowing a minimum percentile value higher than the maximum percentile
Fix Addressed conflicts with export_settings ID with other vendors
Fix Fix translation-related issues


June 5, 2023
New Added Authentication for Tutor LMS Rest API, providing secure access.
Update Made various security enhancements.