Tutor LMS 3.0 Beta Is Now Live! Learn More

Release notes

Lists of updates and fixes we do everyday for you. Release notes are presented according to the most recent version.



December 29, 2022
Update Major security improvements across the entire plugin is introduced


December 19, 2022
New Admin will be able to set whether WooCommerce Order will be generated on manual enrolment or not
Update More security improvements across the entire plugin is introduced
Fix WooCommerce Order was being Completed in case of Bank or Check payment
Fix A PHP error was appearing while no Video Source was selected
Fix Question Description of the quizzes was not being saved
Fix Course Validity Time was not appearing properly in some cases for PmPro
Fix JSON Code was appearing if nonce verification failed while the Login
Fix After assignment submission, a 404 page was appearing in the case of Multilingual site


December 1, 2022
New Reset credential for Google Meet is introduced
New More security improvement is introduced to ensure SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF protection
Fix The login form was not showing the user as logged in until the page is refreshed
Fix In some cases, the Course Rating Count appeared wrong on the Course Details page
Fix XML code was not appearing in Quiz
Fix The quiz page used to get jammed if a quiz is abandoned
Fix Quiz completion page was showing a fatal error
Fix A PHP warning was appearing on the Quiz Completion page
Fix On Google Meet the Help Page was expanding options before clicking on the Tab
Fix Google Meet vendor package was showing a notice error
Fix On completion of a Quiz, it was appearing as Completed for another User in the Course Journey
Fix Quiz Attempt page was showing an error in the case of PHP 7.0 or below
Fix Email template files were containing some wrong short-codes
Fix Google Meet visibility option's title was wrong
Fix Reports page design was appearing wrong
Fix Quiz attempt page had some minor design issue