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Rayhan Arif
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How to Utilize Content Marketing to Promote eLearning Courses
eLearning - 8 MINs
How to Utilize Content Marketing to Promote eLearning Courses

Content marketing is a proven way to promote any business, brand, and product. In most cases, it is better to go for content marketing instead…

Tutor LMS 1.6.4 is Here with New Features, Fixes & Improvements
Releases - 2 MINs
Tutor LMS 1.6.4 is Here with New Features, Fixes & Improvements

Hello Tutor LMS users! This week we’ve got some big news for you all. You would be happy to know that we’ve added several hotly…

Now You Can Show Tutor LMS Course Enrollment Alerts with NotificationX
eLearning - 3 MINs
Now You Can Show Tutor LMS Course Enrollment Alerts with NotificationX

Your eLearning website may have plenty of content to convince visitors to convert. But not all of these draw visitors’ attention. What if something pops…

Docent – WordPress LMS Theme [Sneak Peek]
Releases - 3 MINs
Docent – WordPress LMS Theme [Sneak Peek]

In this age of Udemy, Lynda, and Coursera, developers in the WordPress community are fond of creating multi-instructor WordPress themes. This leaves people who want…